A day of firsts

gasgas guy

Bronze Level Site Supporter
First thing first,i upgraded to a 2010 nambotin from a 2004 300ec.But the weather has been so crappy I have only rode it in circles in the yard .The locals motorcross track ,put on a endurocross.Not one that is too crazy,just had a bit of everything.It even had a lap of the road course circuit thrown in.The event was three hours,ironman or three guy or gal teams.I had to try it!This is no easy task for a trial tire ,barkbuster guy to find team mates,my trail types said too much moto.My moto only buddies said too much logs,and tires.But i did find one of each to go.Wow,did we have a great time.The new bike was great ,just like a old friend who will never let you done.The course was tough,we planned to change at three laps.I actually went four once accidentally ,just being focused on the task.Having never ridden a moto track,it was imtimidating at first couple laps.But by lap ten ,i was jumping small stuff,and having a blast.I hope more tracks do these events.Moto and trail riders need each other ,and can coexist.Almost forgot the best part ,only GasGas out there,everyone had a look and touch.Feel proud my friends ,being a rare species makes us special
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