A Few Vids From Last Weekend


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Hello all I just got done putting together some videos from last weekend. It was a good time, first humid day of the year and the gasser was running super rich so it felt like it was down on power, also had to use a different type of trans. oil that caused some clutch drag. Didn't hold me back tho! My typical angle...It's the only mount I have! So be ready for some bar pad when the going gets steep.

This first one is a mashup from my action cam and the wife's camera. Turned out ok as far as editing two types for the first time. It was the first time for my wife and one of my friends watching this kind of riding, so they got all worried :).


Next has all my peeps, My first bit of airtime! Some rock ledge action and a loggy uphill.


Last has a renegade squirrel, some more hill climbing, and a downhill creek run.

I just like this picture...My wife's main hobby is taking pictures so I play around so she can practice. This is the section in the second video where everyone is sitting around in the creek. Rocking those new Unabiker rad guards!


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I know I know. She really does, first time it actually ran somewhat poor. I'm on the fence on a smartcarb, but with the wait time I'll have to buy some jets anyway. I had no clue the humidity would rob it that much, I miss winter.
Bahahahahah..."I'm fine - this is what we do".

That was awesome man; nice job splicing the on-board footage together with the standing :cool:

Nothing like having an audience to play to, huh :D

My wife rides and even she cringes when I show her some of the stuff we ride. She always ends with "You better NEVER take me on something like that"...lol.

What's with your guys just sitting on their arses while you're riding around - did you beat 'em down...lol. That looks like a fun area to rip around; lots of obstacles to hit and challenging terrain.

Did that squirrel give you any extra traction :D I'm sure someone will give me crap, but they're just rats with fuzzy tails...damn destructive rodents...lol.

Where's the camera mount anyway - looks like it might be mounted to your nuts or something...lol

I'm with Jakobi...jet your girl! Definitely not an expert, but I think dropping a size on the pilot and raising the clip of the needle by 1 (or maybe 2) will definitely get you close.
Haha thanks! This is our main riding area just because it has such a wide variety of terrain, something for everyone.

Your wife sounds like mine! I got her on a ttr125 right now, I practically have to flintstone the 300 to go at that little tractor of a bikes pace. Can't wait for her to be able to keep pace, she's doing good though.

The squirrel LIVED! Haha I did my good deed for the month and baaaaarley pumped the brakes. That or it jumped through the spokes ;).

Camera is in between my pecks actually, just slticks way out. When the bike is angled up I wieght the rear and lean forward which equals BARPAD! Testing a new mount sunday.

I'm jumping into the carb tomorrow! I have 3 pilots hopefully the fattest one is in so i can drop it down. Probably do your recomedation... So it best be right! Haha just kidding, it'll be nice seeing the affects and starting to learn this.
Your wife sounds like mine! I got her on a ttr125 right now, I practically have to flintstone the 300 to go at that little tractor of a bikes pace. Can't wait for her to be able to keep pace, she's doing good though.

That's awesome man, it's so much fun to make it a family affair (we have two little guys - 3 & 5 - who are dirt bike nuts; our oldest has been riding an Oset for the last ~2 years). I definitely enjoy my rides with the guys, but getting out with the whole family is one of the best parts of this sport IMO - just fun.

We recently sold my wife's KTM 250 4T and picked up another GG EC200; she gets her first outing the last weekend of May at one of the places we go on Mt. Hood.

Keep the vids coming; helps me make it through the dry spells between rides :cool: