REVERUP Gold Level Site Supporter Mar 6, 2011 #2 I'll give that a strong "10" for effort. Looks tricky, with the submerged tires. Great picture! Roscoe
I'll give that a strong "10" for effort. Looks tricky, with the submerged tires. Great picture! Roscoe
HuskyDude Super Moderator Mar 7, 2011 #4 Had to look again to actually see the submerged tire. Tricky Great shot.
bchatt Bronze Level Site Supporter Mar 7, 2011 #5 Hey Noobs... are my eyes deceiving me or at the left side of the pic, is that a 10 year old girl without a helmet, riding an xr70, that just made it across in front of you??
Hey Noobs... are my eyes deceiving me or at the left side of the pic, is that a 10 year old girl without a helmet, riding an xr70, that just made it across in front of you??
gasmonkey Bronze Level Site Supporter Mar 7, 2011 #6 Hehe,noobs loves to show off in front of girlies.
mrkartoom New member Mar 7, 2011 #7 I'll give you a 9.2 You need to work a bit more on the leg extension.
gg3 Silver Level Site Supporter Apr 4, 2011 #9 Always thought Noobi was a FMXer at heart.......Try it with a ramp next time. NOTHING stops an XR.
noobi New member Apr 12, 2011 #10 Got another one, although im actually on the bike in this ones, some may be disappointed I dont own the photos, so I cant embed them.
Got another one, although im actually on the bike in this ones, some may be disappointed I dont own the photos, so I cant embed them.