Adjusting 2012 300 Hit

Right side cover,not that iv tried it.
Iv been playing with nedh and nech ne
edles (13 200 as2 carb)
As has been said these suzuki needles really smooth delivery and give quite a lot more control,will take part throttle cleaner and spread the hit into stages.most agree they feel a little softer on power,though with such a different delivery its hard to say.its worth trying both imo.
Im currently running nech #3 which is equal to nedh#2.5.the difference in half a clip is subtle but noticeable.same pilot or bump up 1 for a little more stall resistance and grunt right off the very bottom.very linear with this needle,takes a little time to adjust from noz where everything happens in a 1/4 turn of wrist
For $15-20 a needle its cheap and easy to try.
Ned (h) in clip2 and nec (h) in clip3 work best for me.previously nozh clip2
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