Air Filter Foam Glue


Active member
Anyone have any experience in gluing air filter foam, and what glue works best? Not a GasGas application. I'm putting velocity stacks and large K&N conical pod filters on my Hypermotard to replace the restrictive airbox/filter. I'm not big fan of K&Ns but thats what fits over the stacks, so I'm making a pair of foam "pre filters" to fit over the top of the K&Ns. I just need to glue the foam pattern edge to edge. I plan to use No-Toil filter oil on the completed filter. Thanks guys.
Pro Honda weatherstrip adhesive would be good to use - it is not affected by fuel.


GasGas Riders Club

That or the nasty to remove grip glue were my thoughts. Fuel is not really an issue, the alcohol carrier of the No-Toil filter oil is though. I would not want to use what Uni does as their filters fail with No-Toil, at least the older ones did. No catastrophe if it did though.

In addition to better filtration, this will allow me to just prop the front of the tank up and slip the foam(s) off for easy cleaning, the pods can be cleaned if needed at the valve service interval when the tank must be removed (a real PIA).
I've used regular hot melt glue to re glue filters that came apart and they are holding up well after repeated cleanings.
That was another thought, thanks for the input. So far I have a couple samples bonded with grip glue and weatherstrip contact cement. After they cure overnight, tommorrow I'll try the No-Toil and see if they hold up. I'll add the hot melt to the experiment.
You should be able to get UniFilters that fit the stacks, and friends dont let friends use NoToil.
Hot melt it was and worked fine. Faster too. I made a paper pattern first, then cut the foam. Fit perfect. Nick, whats your beef with No-Toil? I've used it for years with excellent results. You have to shake the oil well before application, and allow the carrier to completely evaporate before mounting the filter so it does not "pool" in the bottom of the filter. A few minutes with an old hair drier works fine.

The K&N pods were part of the kit along with crank breather and IAC (idle air)filters.

This is what the bike needed to balance the exhaust, picked up torque across the range and will allow eaiser maintanence.
Your probably one out of a thousand that does it right. I work on stuff everyday and see what happens when its not done right or not done often enough.
Yeah, I can see it being a problem if not done right, but the way I do it I have never, ever had dirt past the filter and my motors look great inside.
Thanks guys, but its just arts and crafts stuff. The stacks are beautiful billet parts tuned specificlly for the bike. It sounds so cool, I love this bike. Sometimes I ride it just to hear it! This pic is from my LG phone, I'll have to borrow a camera and show some pics of the whole bike.