Aluminum Air Box


New member
I'm new to the forum but have spent HOURS reading and this seems to be a great group of guys and a very helpful community! On to my question now...

I have a 2011 EC300 and the boot of the airbox seems to be stretched out because it doesn't fit or seal worth a damn to the carb. My concern is that I'll suck in dirt/water and cause damage.

My question is instead of trying to find the new rubber boot portion of the air box I plan on just fabricating a whole new air box. What I'm not sure of is if I need to keep the same basic shape or would it make a difference at all? I will be eliminating the stock filter and going to a pod type filter.

So if I stray away from the factory design will this harm performance or cause jetting difficulties? Thanks!
Welcome to the forum

I can't see you causing any harm. Worst case scenario is that your airbox is more restrictive and your engine will underperform

But just remember, as Abraham Lincoln said "don't believe everything you read on the Internet" ��
something like:
