Another Jetting Question


New member
I recently changed out my needle from a CEK to a N3EG and I noticed that I have studder in the upper mid-range under hard acceleration. I pulled the plug and looks to be running a little rich. No real issue at low RPMs

Do you think that I need to raise the clip?

Here is what I got

Temp 45 degree F
Low humidity
elevation 500 - 1000 ft
Fuel 50:1 syn

Slide #7
Needle N3EG
Clip 3rd
Main 178
Pilot 42
Air Screw 1 1\4 turns out

Thanks in advance for your advice
What sized main and pilot did you have with the CEK? What clip position was the needle in? How did it run?

N3EG#2 will supply roughly the same amount of fuel as CEK#3 from 3/8 throttle to WOT both using the same sized main (according to JD jetting spreadsheet). If a fully clip position leans it off too far you could also try a N3CG#3 which is half a clip leaner.
Everything is the same as it was minus me changing the needle. I went out earlier and moved the clip however I get the same stud-er at about half throttle.

I will try installing the old clip and see if I get the same results
I cleaned up the carb again and put the CEK needle back. Double checked the float. I fired it up and its not studdering mid throttle. I plan on putting the N3EG back tomorrow and see if the symptom returns

Current set up

Slide #7
Needle CEK
Clip 3rd
Main 178
Pilot 42
Air Screw 1 3/4 turns out
put in the n3eg on the second clip on the stand it is running clean. I will take it out to the track this weekend.