Anyone in CO want to ride????

I'm on vacation until August 23rd and my plans with my riding buddy fell through. So if anyone would like to ride I will make the drive from PHX. I just don't want to waste my time off thinking about riding. I usually go to Dolores, Mancos, Durango and Rico but I am up for where ever.
I'm on vacation until August 23rd and my plans with my riding buddy fell through. So if anyone would like to ride I will make the drive from PHX. I just don't want to waste my time off thinking about riding. I usually go to Dolores, Mancos, Durango and Rico but I am up for where ever.

Me and my buddy are heading to CO on Saturday the 16th. Riding Sargents, Alpine trail/Nates Creek, and Rico area. We are heading back to AZ the following Sunday the 24th. Let me know if you are interested.
Me and my buddy are heading to CO on Saturday the 16th. Riding Sargents, Alpine trail/Nates Creek, and Rico area. We are heading back to AZ the following Sunday the 24th. Let me know if you are interested.
Yeah if you guys don't mind me tagging along? Im not super fast but im up for riding anywhere.
When I get to Arizona permanently you will be able to rely on me going to Colorado and other areas. I actually used my proximity to Idaho to ride Idaho for the 1st time in July. I will be at Taylor Park the 1st week of September. leaving from Missouri this year.
Yeah if you guys don't mind me tagging along? Im not super fast but im up for riding anywhere.

We are staying/riding at Sargents Sunday, Monday and have a cabin there for three nights, plenty of room as of now. Tuesday and Wednesday we are camping and riding out of Silver Jack reservoir. Thursday we are headed down to Rico and may take Thursday off as a rest day. Friday and Saturday we will ride Rico area with a larger group.

My buddy is not super fast either and will probably enjoy having someone riding at his pace.

PM me or give me a call.
I'd be up for it but I have plans to do a big dual sport ride starting the 22nd.

If you swing through Durango on that week I'll buy you a beer though!