AS II slide


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Question for those who are familiar with running both noz?and ned? needles.
Has anyone tried a half step leaner slide with noz? and how did it compare?
Currently slide6,40(42) nedh#2,175(13 200)
Alternate 6,40 nozh#2,175
6.5 has been the magic number for my 12 200 with AS1 nozh needle.
Johnrb and myself have been using this combo with good results.
Maybe John will chime in with his thoughts.
Your results may vary with the AS2 carb.
As Ed say's yes this combo work's Great!! But yes we both have the as1.
Thanks again Ed for the jetting advise .
Thanks for the feedback,sounds like its worth pursuing assuming i can get a slide for a reasonable price.the nedh is working quite well,very progressive and smooth,but lacks that nozh crisp hit that comes right after the nozh burble!
Also i suspect nedh will be a bit thin when the cooler months roll around,and have ruled out clip3 previous.
Had either of you tried the ned(h) needles prior to the 6.5?
(A slide is goin to sting me around $130nz,the suzuki nedh was $22!)
Hoping someone has tried both setups.
For the record the nedh has smooth progression and much finer control(more usable positions) but just feels a little flat/thin.holds part throttle well.
The nozh feels stronger,but at part throttle it burbles/surges/complains and then explodes into a glorious clean strong hit (i like that bit...a lot!)
NECH#3 will put you half a clip richer. A fatter pilot/G diameter may give you some of that off idle braap back again, but really its always a trade. What you have said applies true on my 250 as well. Feels like it has a lull in the power curve before it comes on song. Great for small throttle control and input in technical terrain, but almost falls on/off song a bit on faster sections.. particularly if you need to blow some speed off to negotiate rough terrain and then get back on the throttle.
Thanks jakobi,didnt realise there was a halfclip variation.more food for thought...overall the nedh is quite an improvement,but the thought it could be better still has got me you do
Most references to the rb carb mod i have seen,seem to also have done the rb head mod (squish)and run the hoh pipe.try search rb carb mod in the search panel above