Turned 41 this year and been riding off/on since 10 years old. My parents took me to "Sidewinders" , a local flat track race venue, when I was 1 week old! My uncle raced flat track for several years. I have been infatuated with motorcycles ever since. Raced a few harescrambles and enduros over the years, but mostly just trail ride with my family and friends, which for me, brings the biggest smiles. One major "get-off" at 18 yrs. old which resulted in 2 broken wrists, a surgery, many stitches in my face and a week long hospital stay. No health issues now, just 20 lbs. overweight and love my wifes cookies. I still like to mix it up with the younger crowd from time to time, just to show 'em how it's done!
Started on a Sears catalog mini-bike w/ Briggs and Stratton 5hp engine. I thought I was pretty hot on that mini-bike and rode the wheels off of it. My first "real" dirtbike was a 1976 Honda XL250.
The List is long:
Yamaha IT175, IT490, WR250, WR450
Honda XL250, XR500, XR250, XR400, CR480
Kawi KDX200, KDX220
Suzuki DRZ400
KTM 200, 250, 300 EXC
Gasgas EC250 ('03)
I love my '05 DE300 Gasser and it fits my needs just fine. Cant see going with anything else!