OK, feeling awfully stupid about now. How the heck do you remove the needle from the PWK carb?? The flat slide carb was about my speed. Loosen nut, remove needle. How do you remove the cable from the friggin slide, and get at the 6 mm nut holding the needle? Been searching the internet forever, and looking here, and aside from the tips for holding the cable, I can't find anything detailed.
Pardon the frustration . . . but I had just about taken a sludge hammer to the carb. I could not believe that I could not turn the carb enough to access the float bowl (easily anyway). I did, but then I took off that 17 mm nut on the float bowl, expecting to be able to get at the main and the pilot jet. The nut allows you a peak at the pilot jet, just to tick you off. So, off came the float bowl. At that angle, it is just enough to allow the float pin to slip out (in case anyone was wondering). I cannot believe that managed to happen - I am hoping I did not tweak anything, cause I just reset my float height a while ago. I could really just scream. Anyhoo . . . back to the needle - how the heck do you get that sucker off of there??
Pardon the frustration . . . but I had just about taken a sludge hammer to the carb. I could not believe that I could not turn the carb enough to access the float bowl (easily anyway). I did, but then I took off that 17 mm nut on the float bowl, expecting to be able to get at the main and the pilot jet. The nut allows you a peak at the pilot jet, just to tick you off. So, off came the float bowl. At that angle, it is just enough to allow the float pin to slip out (in case anyone was wondering). I cannot believe that managed to happen - I am hoping I did not tweak anything, cause I just reset my float height a while ago. I could really just scream. Anyhoo . . . back to the needle - how the heck do you get that sucker off of there??