Best method to bend shoft lever


New member
Best method to bend shift lever

I?m done with this factory shift lever placement on my ?13 XC 300. One tooth placement either way and it?s too high or too low for me. I?m looking for the Goldilocks solution and have a spare shift lever that came with my bike. Can I use a Mapp (spelling?) gas torch or similar method to bend the old shift lever into a custom position for my giant foot??? Never tried anything like this but I understand that heat may help (seems like aluminum and I?m only familiar with steel which needs heat treatment and annealing after)... I was riding real hard today and the constant missed shifts were the only complaint I have with the bike. Otherwise it is a true high speed mule!

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I have had the same problem on several bikes. Take it off the bike before you bend it. It goes easier if you put it in a vice. You might want to quench it in water when you are finished to try to retain some of the strength.
Thank you. I?ll grab a torch and try on the old beat up one first.

Yes, with steel you want to dunk in water or motor oil while red hot. That will heat treat but be brittle until you anneal (heat up until bluish, can?t remember if you dunk again or let air cool...).

Either way I?ve never tried it with aluminum. I?d hate to snap it off first ride after finding the sweet spot!