Black Bear Enduro


Gold Level Site Supporter
Any of you Gas Gas guys and gals coming out to ride our enduro this Sunday? It should be a good one.
I hear maybe a little rain is possible to water down the dust and marbles before hand. Got some great new and reclaimed trail in this one. Come check it out!

If you need the event info give me a shout!

For anybody that missed out on the enduro today, what a great ride. The conditions started out dry and dusty to an absolute down pour with 1/4" hail. Speed averages range from a crazy 6mph in the open sections ( burned that check) to an insane 24mph in the woods. The gas stop was the best ever with the free food being handed out.

Thanks CFMC club for putting on another perfect ride.
Hey Roscoe, how's your poor abused foot doing today? Jarna made it sound like you mashed it pretty good (again).
What is it with you and your feet? You need a pair of the OLD Scott plastic boots...they give you bionic feet.
Hope you heal well and quickly.

Tim H
Well, yep I did it again. :( Pre riding the course for everyone, found a root sticking out of the bank on a concave single track that stopped me and bike instantly. Smashed my right foot up pretty bad, not a pretty sight.

The worst thing is I pulverized it roughly 20 miles in on the short course loop and still needed to ride the rest of that loop and the long course loop cause I was the only one that knew the second loop. So I rode another 60 + miles like that. When I got back to the staging area after pre riding the short course I played it off like nothing happened in front of my wife cause I knew she wouldn't let me go back out, I wasn't going to let everyone down.

I'm sure the racers saw many hot pink arrows tacked out there on dangerous roots and logs that unfortunately I have found over the years the hard way, and continue to do so. :rolleyes:

Hopefully I'm healed enough by the fourth as I put on a fun days for my club. Otherwise I'm hobbling around that weekend. The next weekend is the Timekeeper enduro where I historically have problems with toe and feet injury's then the following weekend is the Buttstomper 24 so I need to heal up fast on this one, or I'm racing in pain not 100% again.

Tim did you ride it? How did Scott do?

John did you ride the long course?

John did you ride the long course?


Nope not this time. I took my step-son out for his first enduro event and did he like it:p. He was so pumped about it that he's talking about ditching his old CR a newer bike. Might we see another GG rider in the great NW?

Sorry to hear about your wounded hoof. I hope you get back on both feet soon, we need you for the September ride.

Take care,

Cool so I have some new trail we built on that long course loop to show you. It is truly physically demanding evil single track, but quite fun.

I'm glad to hear your step son was stoked and hopefully hooked. I know some one in your state who may be parting with a very well maintained 08 300 if he can afford that new 2010, we'll see. :)
See you soon!
