Carb mods for more torque?


New member
I have an 01 GG 250 XC, and am looking for more torque/controllability. I ride in some of the rockiest and most technical terrain in the nation and also have access to a private Endurocross track. My scoot has plenty of power throughout the powerband, but I want more controllability from idle to midrange. Losing overrev is an easy trade off to me. I'm almost 50 and have a zillion old injuries, I find that I end up going faster by riding smooth and not making mistakes rather than going all out. I have already ordered a 12oz flywheel wt from Steahly and the bike is not stall prone, but it simply makes this old guy faster.

Would I benefit from one of those spacer/wing/carb intake gizmos like a Powernow? I remember back in the day we used to simply find a rubber hose that would fit inside the back of the carb to restrict some airflow on bikes like CR 480s and the like which had too much "hit" for woods riding. Rejetting was usually necessary as well, but it sometimes worked on some bikes. On other bikes, not so much. How bout on my XC?

Any other ideas? Smaller carb from a different bike?
chances are you have the smaller 2K2 ignition. If so find someone to swap for their 2K3, it has a larger flywheel and a smoother hit. My kids bike has the 2K3 and I have the 2k2. It's quite a difference, exactly what you are asking for. Also the G2 throttle will help on top of that for better throttle control.

First thing that comes to mind is a G2 throttle system. Run the #400 cam. I like the JD Blue needle, gives really good power especially low into the mid. On that year bike the CEK, CEJ should work good in getting smooth power too, did on my '00 XC250. You can also swap the ignition to a 2K-3 for almost twice the inertia as the 2K-2 with the weight. These would be great mods for a pure rock crawler.

IMO the Powernow is a waste of money. Better to have Ron at RBD do the carb mod including a permanent wing.

Got a GoPro? If so lets see some rock action. I'm a rock guy too.
Technical, as in Copperhead Trail type stuff?

Jostby beat me to the punch with the 2k3 ignition.

If your 250 has the Boyesen Rad valve try the Pro Series reeds from a '96 YZ250. They are carbon fiber/fiberglass dual stage vs fiberglass/fiberglass that was stock. Gains on the bottom and top without much change in the middle.

Lots of folks use a larger power valve cover for a little low end boost.
Thanks for all the help, and quick! For Arkansas' extreme video, there is quite a bit of it on ktmtalk, under "Brock Creek", also "Talimena", which is just across the border into Ok. Look for "Copperhead Trail" on ktmtalk in Region 1, and also in Ride Reports. The video does not do the Copperhead trail justice though. Folks who have ridden it say it is as hard as the "5 miles of hell" Moab, but it's only about 2 miles. But even the easy stuff at Brock Creek is harder than most Enduros. Copperhead takes the average B-C rider an hour unless they ride in technical terrain alot. Guy Cooper said make him 30 more miles like that and he'd move to Brock Creek. He practiced there before LMS.

We had the WUDI ride there for 2 yrs. It went from over 300 riders down to less than 50. It was so tough one wet year that only about 15% of the riders who rode it did it without help. But if you ride there, nothing you'll encounter in an Enduro will faze you.
on my 07 250.. 2k1.. 12oz fww, large pv cover, cek needle, rb carb mod, and it is getting real close to my 01 300 as far as low end, but still rips mid to top..

these guys will put you on the right track.
...Copperhead takes the average B-C rider an hour unless they ride in technical terrain alot...

Gee, I feel pretty good, you had me out of there in about 40 minutes.:D

If you make the WUDI ride this year you are welcome to ride my 300 which has the 2k3 ignition and Pro Series reeds. You might even like the forks.
I'm not sure what gearing you run, but a 50t rear really brings second/third into play in st, which gives you a broader rev range and more clutchability. Sounds counter intuitive but it works IMHO.
Thanks again for the help. Where do I get a larger powervalve cover? I looked at the LTR website, they don't list anything but suspension on their website at LTR. Do they still sell the cover, or who else does?

Also forgot to mention that I've ordered a 12 oz flywheel wt from Steahly, and ordering the G2 throttle this week. I want to keep the stock gearing or maybe even go higher. This sounds nuts, even to me, but I am considering making my GG into a dual sport bike. It is so easy to start that even my bad leg can handle it, it vibrates even less than my old KDX 200, wayyy less than my KTM 520 did, and it has the gearing to pull high speeds. If I can get enough flywheel effect and torque out of it I don't see why it can't be dual sported.
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adding a reed spacer (if it's been removed) may help some also.. i'm not a fan of the 2k3, even in the rockiest stuff you still need to zing it occasionally and not wait for it to spool up.
adding a reed spacer (if it's been removed) may help some also..

+1 using x2 reed spacers and a slower throttle tube made my 300 into the bike I wanted (EC300 uses x1 spacer as standard). Removed a lot of the off idle 'snap' and increased control a lot. Almost trials like. Expect similar results could be acheived on a 250 - straightforward and inexpensive mod. to try out.
And elvis74 has made some nice 15mm spacers for the pv cover. Having fitted one to my bike I can almost guarantee that it will give you the torque you are looking for.
+1 (or 2!) on the RB Carb mod and G2 throttle. I'm fairly amazed with both.

You can really change this bike's temperament with jetting, also. An NEDW needle is very linear (at least on my bike. I'd almost call it docile!)

jgas changing the gearing to taller has not been mentioned yet. most guys go a couple or 3 teeth bigger on the rear which drastically adds to the hit of the bike. i prefer to stay at the stock gearing which allows me to crawl through the super tight stuff/ climb snarly hills etc without yanking my arms out of their sockets on my 300,and i can still hang with the big 4 strokes when we do hit a fireroad. i find that having slightly taller gears gives me way more torque in all gears and way more tractable and easier bike to ride for long distances. once you get used to what the 300 can do, as Jim on the old smackover website said, ride a gear too tall with a 1/2 to 3/4 throttle opening instead of in the right gear and snapping off of the first 1/8th of the throttle! try it, it really does work.