carb problem !!!HELP!!!


New member
hi im new to this forum so here goes i bought a gas gas ec 300 2006 after riding it i decided to clean the carb out so done the usual stripped it down put everything back as it was now it wont tick over and the choke does'nt seem to be working but still revs up fine anyone know what the problem is thanks
I would pull it off the bike, take the carb apart and blow some carb cleaner through all the ports. Clean all the jets and put it back together again.

Start with the basic's.

Good luck
I would pull it off the bike, take the carb apart and blow some carb cleaner through all the ports. Clean all the jets and put it back together again.

Start with the basic's.

Good luck

Agreed, the rule with carbs is if you cleaned it and it doesn't run after, clean it again.
ive taken it off and cleaned through still doing it is there any small spacers or anything that ive missed and didnt see when taking apart i know theres one in my beta evo if you miss it out it wont rev tidy
Can you elaborate on the symptoms:

What happens when you start it? (easy to start or not?)
You say the choke doesn't work, in what way?
Does it idle at all?
After blipping the throttle do the revs hang up high or does the bike stall?

When you cleaned it how did you do it and what equipment did you use?

Give us some more to go on and hopefully we can help more...

Can you elaborate on the symptoms:

What happens when you start it? (easy to start or not?)
You say the choke doesn't work, in what way?
Does it idle at all?
After blipping the throttle do the revs hang up high or does the bike stall?

When you cleaned it how did you do it and what equipment did you use?

Give us some more to go on and hopefully we can help more...


Well said.

Picksgasgas, as above. You'll only get specific answers in response to specific questions/information. Please elaborate on what the bike was doing before, how its behaving now, and whats actually changed since (inc anything else thats been done).

Things like if you noticed any grit or dirt evident when cleaning the carb. When you get the bike started does it feel lean or rich? Did you adjust the idle screw when cleaning? Have you adjusted it since? Did you check the height of the slide when in the bike? Were the floats removed? If so did you double check their position on reinstall? Did you just blow the pilot jet out, or did you replace it with a new one? Have you tried another pilot? Have you tried adjusting the air screw? What difference does it make if any? ...etc ;)
i took the carb off the bike removed jets and floats blew them through with an air line and cleaned with carb cleaner also got carb brushes and put them through the holes im pretty experienced on cleaning carbs as i often do it on my beta evo i didnt remove the mixture or idle screw left them there, the bike was pinking a bit before i removed and a little chockey on throttle. the bike will not idle on or off choke but starts up fine revs fine the only thing that i have done is moved the handle bars forward for my position of riding could this affect it
Its possible that moving the bars forward has introduced a little more freeplay into the cable and dropped the slide down onto the stop, but it would have had to been tight before and you'd probably have noticed it especially when turning the bars to the right.

If the bike is running well at the moment and just won't idle then I'd suggest simply bumping the idle screw up to a point where it will, and then begin testing the air screw. You may find your bike even wants a size smaller on the pilot now depending how long the dirty one had been restricting flow for.