Castor 927


New member
Anyone out there using Maxima Castor 927? I had no other pre-mix choices at my local shop recently when headed out for a riding weekend. Seems to work great but wondered what the opinions of this stuff are?

Ahhhh.................the smell of bean oil,:D first thing in the morning.:D :D :D

I just mixed up a batch couple weeks ago.
The only oil to use with ethynol blend fuels
Could you elaborate ? I've always run Amsoil because it's readily available and I was under the impression that synth. was "better". I love the smell of bean oil and I am slow enough that I can enjoy my own exhaust fumes (like a fart in the car. lol).
I've always run Maxima Super M and been in the back of the racer pack. Now I run the Bean oil and everyone wants me out front. thinks it's smell???
Bean oil (as in Castrol R) was once the premium racing oil before synthetics came along, but as you said you are going for a riding weekend I'm assuming you are not racing. For trail riding, unless they've added some miracle ingredients, it may gum up the PV quickly and leave messy hard to clean carbon deposits, and plug up exhaust packing.
It used to really be meant for racing engines that are run hard, torn down regularly, and mixed fairly rich too.
Could you elaborate ? I've always run Amsoil because it's readily available and I was under the impression that synth. was "better". I love the smell of bean oil and I am slow enough that I can enjoy my own exhaust fumes (like a fart in the car. lol).
Bean oil is organic as is alchohol. because 927 is a blend of mineral oil, synthethic compounds and organic compounds, the castor component of the oil is more soluble in ethynol part of the fuel, less chance of seperation. Besides it smells exotic. I use amsoil myself at 100-1 but I prefer not to use ethynol blend fuels not for any practical purposes but because i think that they are a political and marketing scam.
I prefer not to use ethynol blend fuels not for any practical purposes but because i think that they are a political and marketing scam.
I hear that. The gas companies have to make 25 different recipes to meet all the different state's requirements. What a crock. Also, I think it uses just as much energy to create ethanol as can be derived from it.
the only downside to 927 is that it will separate in your float bowl and plug up the pilot jet if you leave your bike for more than a few days between rides. a friend of mine has been using it for years( and yes i love that bowl of chili smell on a saturday afternoon ride) but his 125 rm suzi would plug up every time he left it for more than a week between rides. if you want to use the castor,run your carb dry before you put the bike away and give the bike/tank a good side to side shake/mixup before you start it again. there ya go. that's my 2 cents worth for today!!