cck or n1ef

If guys are saying that a CCK is getting bad fuel mileage could you change only the straight diameter to maybe a CCL or CCM?

I'm curious if the bad mileage is due to the "K" diameter at 2.695mm or the "C" taper. The stock N1E"F" needle diamter in the straight section is 2.705mm, exactly the same as a xx"L" aftermarket needle diameter.

I ordered a few needles in different tapers and will begin experimenting with them. I kept the root/straight diameter the same as stock to not change too many things.

AEL, BGL, BEL, CCL, CCK, CEL, CGL, DEL, DDL are the ones I ordered. They gave me a CHN with the bike as a spare, I think that is the emissions needle for the UK though, not sure. N diameter, very long L1.

I too am after a very smooth linear electric response.