Check your fuel pressure hoses!


New member
Having done some routine maintenance on my 06 FSE as it had been standing a few months and wasn't running to well. Then I took it for a quick test ride. It seemed a bit hesitant off idle but otherwise ok. After about 3/4 mile it started popping on deceleration then just quit! It would not re-start at all, not even fire. When I got it back to the RV I did all the usual checks, spark, fuel pump run and the wiring connectors. All ok but still not start. Hooked up the PC and ran through the tests, all ok. I even checked the compression, ok.I pulled the tank off to change the fuel, as a last resort, and noticed the fuel pressure line at the connection to the tank was a bit soft. The part of the hose that goes from the quick disconnect to the injector had fuel in it so I shook it out into the palm of my hand. It was full of tiny black bits. It seems whatever crap you put in the gas over here to make it go further had completely denatured the inside of the hoses.

Inside the injector inlet there is a fine filter which was full of hose bits and a fine grey goo which probably was the final decomposition of these rubber bits. This was cleaned out using several soaks in carb cleaner and flushing it with the application hose that comes with these cans of carb cleaner. I replaced the hoses with the current genre of fuel hose and re assembled it all.

Still no start!

Thinking injector, as that's where all the crap ended up I pulled the tank again and the lower fuel line was empty. No fuel pressure!
I ran the fuel pump with my thumb over the end of the pipe. Nothing! I noticed bubbles being blown inside the tank but not at the front like normal. Looking inside the tank the problem was obvious.....the crappy see through pipe that connects the fuel pump to the filter had a split in it so no fuel pressure.

Replaced that hose with proper fuel hose and it fired right up, all the hesitation is gone and it runs like new.

It seems the running rough was caused by the debris in the injector filter and the bike quit when the fuel pump hose split.

Bottom line: Check these hoses or replace them regularly. The cost was $2 for the hose and if you get the right OD you can re-use the clips if you are careful. Check inside the tank to make sure the regulator is dumping fuel. It's the cream coloured thing on the left at the front inside the fuel tank. Also check the hose on the top of the fuel pump, on the stock tank you will need a torch to see it. It is a short 2 inch piece of clear plastic hose with no clips that connects the pump what I think is a fuel filter or some sort of accumulator. On some models there is a low fuel pressure icon on the lcd panel although I never noticed it come on.

Sorry about the length, hope it helps someone!