cold starting Ting Ting


New member
a vid of starting my Ting Ting dead cold. Please note, the dings in the tag are from vibrations and falling over due to the stupid kickstand (before I fixed it). The rip in the seat was from it falling over and hitting the edge of my darn hand truck. It was repaired with "Amazing Goop" almost 2 years ago. It really is amazing stuff. I keep the air filter clean and the chain well lubed. Oil in CC is always clear. Radiator fluid is clean. In other words, the "important stuff" I keep on top of. Washing off grime, not so much :)

The clutch basket noises are more pronounced in the video. The mic. seems sensitive in that region. The level of engine whirring has not increased since new. It bothered me at first but now I just ignore it. Another Gasser I heard sounded just like it. The radiator guards make a fair amount of noise too.

The vid. is a typical start up and what I expect to keep happening well past 10K miles.
28:1 Dominator.........10-40 Synthetic Valvoline in CC......premium, ethanol free gasoline. Never fouled a plug, no issues at all.

I've had a lot of bikes and ridden many, many. I love my Gassers.....both of them.....I ride the 300 and I can't wait to get back and switch to the 450....if I ride the 450 first I can't wait to get back and switch to the 300! Damn!

There's something about them. I do not know what it is, but it calls my name. I loved my 'Bunny" (Cr250R, built to the gills) and the KX125 was insanely fast, weighed nothing and I could ride her like I stole her.

The wife called it quits, the daughter has zero interest so bikes had to start disappearing. I don't need the 450 and the 300.......and could use the money.........

I'd rather cut my hand off than sell either one......

I love my Gassers almost as much as I do my dog "Lotion" (Black Ivy)......and I don't care who thinks that "strange" :)
dunno but could it be that the small end bearing is making some noise?
or was that just because of the camera?
Hannesd, it's the camera, a little clutch basket noise and the radiator guards. It does not sound in "real life" as it does on the recording. That camera has a very sensitive mic. Here is another vid. taken with a Hero cam on helmet.

From the time I started the bike until I stopped I only took my foot off the pegs one time. Not even when turning around. At about 4:52 I went a little tight and clipped a tree....had to stick my foot down. If you notice the time of the video is 8:42. That is from when the cam starts until I shut it off. The route I just showed is 6.2 miles long from start to finish. A little simple math gets the average speed of the trip. All the white areas are what we call "sugar sand". It's about like sugar and deep. Messes a lot of newbies up. They hit it and slow down......wrong move :)

The Hero does not pick up the metallic sounds like the other camera. Those guards make a lot of noise. The ones on my CR did too.

I think the bearings are fine but do agree the noise sure seems loud in the vid. but nothing out the ordinary if you're standing next to her.
EDIT**** Make no mistake, fellas, I'm not "bragging on my skills". I have very little. I am not a "great rider" and I know it. I do not race but rather ride areas I know very well. I do excel in not crashing but not because of skill but rather I am afraid of getting hurt and so I drive well below my comfort zone. In the summer I ride this path in shorts with boots, eye protection and gloves. I did have the fail in the early summer but that was because I did not ride the whole path first and find the downed trees before I was hauling ass.....another story....
Point of this thread was to show how easy the Ting Ting fires up cold on a chilly day and the way the tailpipe looks on 28:1 and how well she idles from cold to warm. No dripping unburnt oil, no power valve issues ever, never a fouled plug, simply no issues at all. She smokes a lot, I couldn't be happier! On forums many posts are about problems and how to solve them and it's easy to think everybody has some or the same ones. In 5600 miles I've had ZERO issues ( I changed the O'rings, probably did not need it). I figured some fellows thinking about a Gas Gas or that have bought one may have doubts about an "exotic Spanish Bike". I sure did when I got mine. Hell, I'd never even heard of them! I called Jeff asking if he had any dual sports. He said, "just a new Gas Gas, it's expensive but killer., I race one". So I went down and looked at it. I may be a hick but I know what an "Ohlin" shock is :). So I bought her. That's long been a forgotten issue. The same for the FSE450. 2600 miles now. I guess I should check the valves :)
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