Cold vs Hot Start?


New member
I have a 2014 Gas 300. Bike has aftermarket exhaust, but stock motor. I run an NEDW 3rd clip (middle) with a 45 pilot and 182 main.

I know this may sound rich but I am only 15ft above sea level, and right now it is cold outside.

Before we get into a jetting conversation, I have tried every combination of pilot and main, every clip position, and several different needles. Every time I have come back to this configuration. It works and works perfectly, not lean, not rich, just smooth power the entire RPM band with no blubbery transitions and great gas mileage (65+ miles per tank)

The good thing is that the bike starts on the first kick cold every time like clockwork.

But once the bike warms up fully (after 20+ minutes of riding), it ALWAYS takes exactly 3 kicks to start the bike. I mean never more, never less. It is not a big deal, I don't really care, the way the bike runs and the MPG are more important.

Anyone have an idea why it would take exactly 3 kicks when full warm to start?
Probably find it's more to do with your throttle hand, when it's hot the rule i follow is either full throttle or no throttle, anything inbetween doesn't seem to start it
Fuel could be boiling in the float bowl.

A quick trick I use is, ride hard come back to the truck and spray contact cleaner on the float bowl to cool the fuel off. Kick the bike and see if it makes a difference.