Contact seat


New member
Any Contact 250 owners in here? I'm a newb to the whole scene, bought a leftover 2017, love the bike but am having issues with the seat. The one that came with the bike, (which I understand was a replacement because the dealer sold the original seat to someone, for a TXT maybe), doesn't fit. When installed it slopes seriously downhill into the tank (he said in a high-pitched voice), and the rear mounting hole misses the existing fender bolt by 3-4 the seat is too short. They ordered me a second seat, identical, same problem. Do I need to drill a new hole for the rear mounting bolt? Is this a seat for the 125 or something? I know, real trials riders don't sit...but part of this bike's life is spent trailing behind my granddaughter on her mini bike, and Pops needs a seat!
Contact seat fix

So I figured the seat issue out, thanks to the dealer in Lincoln, NE. ?Oh, don?t you know, you have to drill your own hole in the fender for the rear bolt?.
I?m learning that Gasgas relies a lot on customer ?imagineering? to keep things rolling. Part of the Character of the marque, I guess. But then my street bikes are Triumphs...similar deal. :)