Cool Gas Gas stuff, just not for us.


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Who knows maybe them boys from Gofasters can get their hands on this stuff.:cool: The WEC bikes from last year had that adjustable power valve cover on them.

My wife works with a lot of people that travel from the UK. She said it shouldn't be a problem asking them to bring a few things over. I'll look into it more and let you guys know. I know I want that alloy filter cage with the additional pins. I think its a Twin Air part from the Netherlands.
Have you ever seen the catalog the french GG importer has ? I sent one to Dixie trying to get them to do something similar when they first took over. I guess i need to do it myself.
I talked to Twin Air about that alloy filter cage for the '07s. Its made in the Netherlands by Twin Air but not imported here yet. They could get me one special order for approx $125 :eek: Ouch..
Too bad the price is so high on the alloy filter cage. Could we get a discount on a bulk order? I'd be interested in getting a couple cages if the price is a lot cheaper.
Shouldn't be a problem. The miracle of credit cards & FedEx.

I bought some stuff from TrialEnduroDirect 2 weeks ago.
Aw come on GGM, if you think you have a problem with the euro you should see things from Dingos perspective..(1 Euro = 9.77 Rands :eek: )
I have such a filter cage (I live in the Netherlands. The local GG distributor knows the Twinair peopel well and got this cage made).
Be aware that it needs different filters with 5 holes.
I use 10 filters so I only have to clean and oil filters once every 2 months or so.

Anyway... if you are realy interested I can see if I can purchase a bunch of cages and filters and ship them over to one of you.
After living with the '07 for awhile now, the filter setup is OK as long as you make sure it is seated correcly on installation. The seal comes from the filter foam edge being pinched at a 90 deg angle between the cage and the inside edge of the airboot, not the a flat gasket surface like most filters. A perfectly flat surface on the airboot flange is not neccessary. Its critical that you make sure the filter/cage is seated around its entire circumference before putting the seat on, don't rely on a visual, you can't tell, get your hand in there and push the edge of the filter in toward the airboot all the way around.

The Twin Air part looks nice because the pins apper longer and would probably help to locate the filter eaiser on installation.