Correct warm up procedure


New member
Hello there,I have a gas gas ec250 2stroke 09,what is the correct warm up method that people are doing? I usually start with choke (if needed) with no throttle then leave to idle until rad or chamber is warm to touch then add small blips,then ride gently for a few minutes before opening it up? Sound right?
Same same here.. Start it on the choke until the revs drop down, then add a little throttle to keep it idling. I might let it idle on its own for about as long as it takes to put the helmet and gloves on and then ride it under a light load until it comes up to temp. You can feel when the engine is willing to take revs. I don't pressure it until its ready.
I have been thinking about this too. On days when we go trail riding or a closed course hare and hounds I will always warm the engine before using the bike in anger. However, if doing a timecard enduro there is no opportunity to warm-up as the bike is in parc ferme between scrutineering and your start minute turning over and starting the engine is prohibited. (I was strongly reprimanded for doing this at my first ever timecard event, had to plead ignorance!) Therefore you are setting off into the first check totally cold. I would always take it as easy as possible until I think it's warmed up but depending on the event I might have to cane it harder than I would like straight from the off. This goes totally against everything I was ever taught about engines. I am always wary of a cold seizure but it doesn't seem to be an issue, it's not like you see the first check littered with seized motors. What do the rest of you guys think?
Bazzagas, I "think" I read in the owners man. or shop man. that you should ride on choke if cold. I'll look around and see if I can find that. I either do exactly like Jakobi or I ride off very slowly on choke, based on what I "think" I read.