Ddk needle thoughts


New member
Hello to all

I would like to get peoples opinion on my certain setup
My bike is a 2006 ec300

My jetting is

Mj 178
pj 40
needle ddk#3
As 1.5
slide #7

Elevation 614 ft.
temp. Average 22 C

When I first got the bike, pj 45 main 178 slide 7 as 3 turns out
it would bogg 1/2 throttle I knew it was running rich in all stages just by the oily plug , idle wasn t to good

So I ve went about it and started rejetting
so far with my present setup it still won t idle unless I wound the idle screw all the way in...bringing me out of the pilot circuit...
tons better than what it was nice and crisp flat spot on top but all around not bad no dreadded buhhwahh no spooge and no bogging at all I find the plug a little white to my liking and if I raise the needle starts bogging at 1/4throttle tried lots of pj and lots of mains

Tried n1eg with all possible jets and clip positions ...its as if my bike hates that particular needle

I would like to maybe get n3e j or g but very hard if not impossible here in northern quebec/canada

So for the time beeing ddk is what I m working with and I would to get all possible input on my setup

Yes I have read all the jetting database ....printed it also ...I look at everyday

Background 20 years riding
been 10 since I ve owned a 2t

Last bike was a wr450 that I completely moded
crf 250r
kx450f stock

To name a few

I absolutely love the gasgas and don t plan on ever selling this one

Looking forward to everyones comments

Best regards
No, the squish has not been corrected

Today I ordered needle n3eg

Kept pluggin away with the ddk I now have idle , changed pilot jet 40 to 45 air screw 3 turns out main jet 178 needle on 3rd. Clip
slight bogging in midrange but clears quite easily, will be playing with clip during the course of the day and will post back

What I found so far was with ddk and 40 pj I had the idle screw wound in tight so I was running on needle and pj was not in play or barely not
Update cant beleive it...

so originally as specified , my bike had what was marked a 45 pilot jet

Bike was bogging bad

Tried 40 pj that would nt idle even with idle screw wound right in so I knew I was running the needle

42 a tad less on the idle screw but still

Back to 45 ....took my box of goodies out grabbed a 45 and felt good everywhere

Started thinking and found the original 45 that was in the bike...on top of my toolboxx compared it with a new one....marked 45 but drilled out REAL big...

Is there a big difference in power delivery between ddk and n3eg
I haven't used the DDK, but the N3EG is enjoyed by many. The DDK is a straight taper, the N3EG a dual taper. The later will have more character. More grunt down low, more snap up high.
Darned people...drilling out jets.....why

Can hardly wait then...

Geez the darned bike was starting to get to me...
the past years I have been jetting fcr carbs
thats where you see a 4t is more "tolerable" and quite a bit "easier " to jet and tune due to the engines stabillity

I ve been tuning and building bikes for a bit now
what I m taking away from this is; never underestimate the small unthinkable stuff

That friggin drilled 45pj after measurement would add up to be over 55

Who would of thought

Best regards
A pilot that's full of crud can cause the opposite issue too.

Sometime its easier to just replace them with new ones for peace of mind. Some aftermarket can have pretty shonky tolerances which doesn't help either.
Check the jetting in my signature. Lots of trial and error got me there! Absolutely amazing power with no flat spots.

I find if you are more than a couple jets different to what most people have, chances are there is something else at fault.