Don't do the right thing.


New member
I learned the hard way.
I was marshalling a trail ride and people were going off track because of some poor marking, not my fault, and getting into a bit of a tricky place to get out of. So I was riding back up the track to try and fix the marking out.
Had a nothing crash at about 10kph.
Rode into something soft and wasn't paying as much attention as I should have, all of a sudden I've been flicked off the bike, stuck out my right leg and found a firm bit of ground. Snap.


Had surgery to correct called 'tibia nailing', where they bash a rod down the entire length of the tibia then pin it at the top and bottom. Should have an xray of that soon.
I'm really annoyed, did it the day before semester 1 of university started.
It's really hard to study for courses that don't have any course books, or text books, or online material..
Guess that'll learn me.
Oh well, a few weeks with a moon boot and crutches.
God damn! :eek: Its always the easy stuff or the least expected that gets you. Good luck with that and heal fast!
No, I don't wear braces, would if I could afford them.. haha

I think im doing pretty well, I have 95% of the movement back in my knee, and can pretty comfortably bare weight on it. Not bad 2 weeks after surgery.
I bet ya squawked when they took the boot off.
The ambo's are for the paying punters not 'marshalls'.
You'll be laying low for awhile.
I wont be looking for you at the local trail rides then.
Happy studying.
Ouch! Good luck, heal fast.

What do you study at university?
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Owww! Bad luck noobi :(

I've just got back riding in the last few weeks (on my new ec250!) after breaking my wrist/arm in November.

I guess there won't be any distractions from studying now, except for figuring how to get from point A to point B ... by hopping. Heal up soon.
Ouch.....ouch. That needs to be put up on the wall next to your sharks jaws and stuffed elephants nuts....what an X-ray. Ouch. Hope it heals to twice as strong!
Still going to Tussock Buster next week?:rolleyes:
Hope it heals well dude.It's amazing how well your body can repair itself when your young.But you don't appreciate it until your old!
Update, went for the 3 week check awhile back, and the doctor pretty much said I was more recovered than I should be considering how much time had passed. At that point I was able to put all my weight on that leg without pain, wasnt quite walking unaided, but getting better every day.

I've been attending university for the past 4 weeks using crutches and a moon boot. That hasn't really been an issue.

One month since surgery, i've just started walking around fully unaided without the moon boot or crutches. Limp is pretty annoying, but its not painful, left leg is more sore due to overcompensating with it. Having good shoes really helps too.

Thanks for the sympathy, and thanks for reading.
Should have a picture of the fix soon.
Sounds like great progress on your healing.

Good luck on the Chemical and Materials engineering. Fun stuff.
Sounds like great progress on your healing.

Good luck on the Chemical and Materials engineering. Fun stuff.

As with students, we're on holiday for 2 weeks now..

Been told about 12-16 weeks to heal fully to a point where I can ride again. Think I might take up push bike riding in the mean time. :D

How the firetruck did they get that in there? Did they drill a hole in one end and slide it in, or did they bend your leg at the break and just flex the rod to shove it into both halves at the same time? Just curious. :D :eek:
How the firetruck did they get that in there? Did they drill a hole in one end and slide it in, or did they bend your leg at the break and just flex the rod to shove it into both halves at the same time? Just curious. :D :eek:

Hahahaha. The former. Iv got a 3inch scar down my knee where they cut and thread the rod in. Then 3 smaller scars where they put the screws in.
I think its titanium so not particularly bendy, not at room temp anyway ;)