During Race Nutrition


New member
The last two enduro's i have competed in the gas stops have been very close to the vehicle, as a result i have changed up my during event nutrition routine a bit with good results. Instead of relying on Gu's and Cliff bars exclusively for sugar replacement Ive mixed my Acceleraide with some protein at about 4 to 1 and have been drinking that. By doing this I'm getting about 300 calories per time all from liquid, it seems to be working better as I've had no bloating or feeling of fullness in these events, and I've won the last test sections in both of them. One event i came from three minutes down in the final test to win, i think because of nutrition. I still carry the other stuff with me just in case i feel i need it but I'm happy with the change so far. Some people don't stomach the gels very well this can be a good alternative. Ive resisted putting it in my camel back so far, but i may order some of those disposable bladders and tubing to experiment with that.

Hope this helps.
yes, the powdered whey protein but just a quarter of a scoop which should be about 6 grams of protein. usually at the gas stops ill have at least 25 minutes so its the first thing i do. i have a mix cup ill do 2 scoops of acceleraide and a quarter of protein, i seem to be doing pretty good with that so far.