Eastern/Central Ohio riders

I'm in Frazeysburg. I belong to a great club called Ohio Woods Riders. We run the Grassman Enduro out of Zanesville area. We ride almost every weekend year round. Check out ACES races. Best way to ride enduro in Ohio is to join a local club. There is a club in Bergholz too that are a great bunch of guys. Ohio Valley Trail Riders.
Where the heck do I join I club I have no clue about? lol. I'm new to New Philly. Just got back on a dirt bike after 23 years, Been in Ohio 2.5 years, self employed....so all that doesnt equal too many friends lol. So far ive only ridden Lighting raceway and by myself. I have 23 questions and can only type with 3 fingers.
Is Grassman the name of the place you ride at?
No, it's the name of our Enduro race we put on. If you want to do Enduro type riding check out the Aces races page. It's a regional Enduro series consisting of about 8or 9 races, all put on by different clubs. We are all at Appalachian Dirt Riders today running their Enduro. Not much in the way of public single track here, unfortunately.
I absolutely would like to hook up with either of the groups, or both, and ride with a bunch of people. Even 1 person would be better than alone lol.

So do either of these groups get together to just ride somewhere for the day or is it always a sponsored ride/race? I'm just getting used to riding off road again. Not looking to race. Just got the bike in June and been going back n forth in my head if I wanna keep it or get something else. At least if I had other people to bounce my thoughts off of, that would help in decision making or things to do/try on the bike to feel more comfortable on it.
Yea, we ride a lot days not on race weekends. Kinda different right now cause our enduro is over and hunting season is coming up. Most of the private stuff we ride is hunted on so it slows down quite a bit. After hunting season is over we'll start getting back in laying out new trail, working the existing stuff. Nice in the winter ( we run studs) cause there is no foilage and you can actually see the terrain. We'll start prepping the annual Turkey Day Ride here soon at Perry State Forest. Thanksgiving morning we ride at Perry. I think last year was the 25th Annual? Good time. PM me your # and we'll get together soon. We have a club weekend of shenaningans (MTB, guns, alcohol, canoes, alcohol) at Mohican State Park coming up next.