ebay - Trick Stainless Steel Exhaust with Reinforced Welds

The reinforced welds make it trick - nothing more, nothing less. Cool pipes, but not good if you're a revver or rock crusher.
Don't understand the rev'r thing

Vibration (exhaust pulses and engine imbalance) ... a guy we had riding for us in 2011 popped the seams on his Six Days stainless pipe in the first ride. The pipe was warrantied with a mild-steel stocker and the season continued without issue. Not everyone had the issue, so perhaps some of it could be attributed to material handling by whoever made the pipes.
My 6day stock pipe still fine after 50+ hours. Like the gnarly on the nambo better though.
It doesn't matter how crazy the pipe, with the crap we ride crushed pipes are inevitable, blow them out and keep going!