Ec250 09


New member
Just purchased a very tidy 09 250 and it seems to be in good condition and sound mechanically.

Ive only rode this a few hundred yards up a dirt road and back, so far Id say its more like a MX bike than an endur (my 200 was mellow and smooth) Gearing seems very busy and it wheelies far to much, it would tear me to bits in 20mins, Ive got a very clean snap off idle and then half throttle it goes a bit flat and then takes off wide open

Heres setup
40 pilot
N1EC 3rd
170 main

13/51 gearing

FMF system

A few questions=

1 Idle is OK 50% of the time and other times it just drops and stalls, if I pick idle up to cure it, it tends to rev to high then

2 What Squish should this be set to. Ive checked it and its huge 3.20mm, that said the compression seems high and its a hard kick to fire it up ?

3 Does map switch change whilst engine is running as I cant feel any difference

So, whats the general set up for this being used for trails and some clubman/easy route enduro's


I'd be looking at a 40-42 pilot, Probably G diameter needle. NECG in clip 3 would be my recommendation given you're after a smooth delivery, and probably upping that main to a 175.

That squish clearance is big enough to drive a bus through and will more than likely be the cause of your inconsistent idle. Setting the squish will make it night and day easier to tune.

How much has the cylinder been raised? You may prefer setting the port timing to move the power down the rev range a bit too.

My own 2013 250R is running Suzuki jetting, 13:1 UCCR @ 1.25mm squish clearance, 13/50 gearing. I would describe the power delivery as smooth and predictable with no real hit anywhere. A bit uneventful off the bottom end, but ample power under throttle - turning it on, even in 5th gear and the front end will lift or the back will light up, depending on body position and traction.
Yes, first job is squish and I will lower ports as I like a lugger rather than a revver, Ill see what can be done with just gaskets and then look at decking the jug or head or both !

Ive just ordered a new DEP system for it as that transformed my 200, and I have a 36mm carb somewhere Id like to try.
I agree with the squish statements. Lack of low end and mid range will make the properly running higher RPM range feels very abrupt when it comes on the pipe.
I would recommend 13/48 or 13/46 to solve the gearing. I run 13/46 and I like it a lot.

EC 250 2001, FSE 450 2004
Looking forward to the next few weeks tweaking this, I have a bundle of jets and older coded N needles from my racing days (long gone).

Is there a noticeable difference in the maps, as which one to jet to ?
Rode it

Well I had chance to ride it today on a tight woody ptactice venue, it was wet and slippy to say the least. Bike was fairly good at the end as Id changed jetting each lap (25mins) Im very happy so far and next job is to sort the squish and a few little setup things, bars are far to low, gearing still needs to come down, I put a 48 on but think a 45 will be perfect for me, DEP pipe will be here nextweek

Forgot to try the map switch !!!!

Jetting now is
38 pilot
N1468n in middle
168 main
Clean, crisp response even after long downhill off throttle sections, no biuld up or burble

This was a tight wood with roots, rutts and small climbs. I may go up on main at a faster venue !!!
Motor still feels to aggressive and spins up to easy, hence the 45

So far Im real glad I bought this 😀

Out of interest on my '05 I can unscrew the top of the carb and rotate it around without removing it to get to the main and pilot jets. Can you do that on the '09. ? Can it be done on all model year GG's ?

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Today I took cylinder of to adjust my squish, and found this has a 300 topend fitted, I thought it needed a smaller rear sprocket to tame it

So, Ive set cylinder down and machined head taking the huge squish of 3.25 down to 1.55mm. Removed some from chamber to and had a psi of 200 so more out and settled it at 150psi, it still feels like a lot on kicker

Fired it up and instantly the carb settings are rich, so I need to rejet again but at least it idles ok now

Any 300 jetting tips
