EC250/300 OEM fly wheel weight?


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I did a search & nothing come up for the OEM weight. Before I ask what weight is best for tech trails does anyone know what the weight is for a stock 2007 EC250 fly wheel? This will help me determine what weight I should try.

Im looking for more low end torque (for mud, getting over logs, climbing etc ) but I still want some 2 stroke zing, Im about to fit a high volume power valve first...then I might consider a fly wheel weight.

any info is appreciated
My 200 didn't need any extra weight.
My 07 300 Ibought a weight, but sod me if iIcan rremember what it is.

So it won't add any torque. It can't. But it makes it harder to stall and in muddy conditions gets better traction when you're opening the throttle, let's say, going up a tight steep track and having to turn left (I dunno, always seems like left in my head) and turn on the gas without it spinning out.

Still seems great at high revs.

The absolute best thing you can do is throw away the stock needle. Read the jetting threads. You won't uunderstand till you've found the right needle. The next best thing is getting the head nodded say by RB or ssomeone proficient. Spend your money here rather than some placebo cover.

Actually Isee your in ausstrailer, Dave that Jakobi uses is probably the guy for doing your head. Just trying to remember the business name. . hmm was it dmcc or something? .
Dave at Two Stroke Performance in Melbourne seems to be the guy to use in Australia.

I bought a S3 flywheel weight for my 300 which weighs 660 grams or 23 ounces. I had to make up a thicker gasket for the ignition cover to give enough clearance.

It didn't really seem to make as much a difference as I was expecting although I haven't ridden it too many times since installing it. I have only just returned to riding so I have been riding my 300 around on the rain setting until I get a bit more experience. It would probably make more of a difference if you weren't on the rain mode. Having said that it does seem to slow down the initial hit just a little and it does seem to help with traction. Once you twist the throttle a bit more it doesn't seem to slow down the increase in revs at all so there are no real negatives with it in my opinion.
It depends if you're bike is fitted with a 2K2 or 2K3 ignition. The later has a bucket load more rotational inertia.. and given you're in Aus it probably has a 2K3 to drive the lighting circuits required for ADR.

Dave at TSP is the man to talk to for headwork.
Thank you for the info guys, Im not sure what ignition I have but its in the 2 o'clock position. If I have the the bigger 2k3 ignition I might try a 8oz fww. Ill definitely see Dave from two stroke performance in the new year.

I appreciate your help
I got mine from Trialendurodirect but they seem to be out of stock at the moment. Even the direct s3 site doesn't seem to have them in stock at the moment. They might not be making them anymore.