EC300 2011 Jetting help


New member
Hi ive been reading about jetting as this is my 1st 2 Stroke. I have a 2011 ec300, I have a 40 pilot 175 main and n1ef I think (standard) needle with clip at top, airscrew 2 turns out. Im in Sheffield uk and ride enduro so need torque over full on power.I dropped the clip to 2nd from top but had to turn airscrew out from 1.5to 2.5 as was rich and choking up. I then went to above settings and cleaned the pilot as the end hole was blocked.Question is what do u recommend
Thanks in advance people
First things first. Throw the n1ef needle in the trash can and get a NEDW or NEDJ needle if you are wanting smooth power. I am at 42p 178 main and nedw 2 clip. Running 50/50 mix of 110 leaded fuel and 93 unlead pump gas

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Its a starting point. If you read through the jetting database you will see tons of different combos.

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Ok ive read through loads and looks like NEDW for 300 and NEDJ for 250?
Seems KTMs need this too!
Do u have the part numbers for both thanks?
Also I can get from Allens in UK at less than half the price but need only measurements not N code, seems they dont have a cross reference available!!
Do u have measurements thanks I need asap
Ok ive read through loads and looks like NEDW for 300 and NEDJ for 250?
Seems KTMs need this too!
Do u have the part numbers for both thanks?
Also I can get from Allens in UK at less than half the price but need only measurements not N code, seems they dont have a cross reference available!!
Do u have measurements thanks I need asap
First things first. Throw the n1ef needle in the trash can and get a NEDW or NEDJ needle if you are wanting smooth power. I am at 42p 178 main and nedw 2 clip. Running 50/50 mix of 110 leaded fuel and 93 unlead pump gas

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Hi again ive fitted the NEDJ needle and runs fine apart from revs racing on tickover sometimes, i tried dropping the needle and turning the airscrew but no differenyt, any ideas?
Drop the idle speed right down to where it only just ticks over. You should notice the air screw have more effect (ie bike won't idle, or will idle slightly better).