EC300 carburation

Warwick Simpson

New member
Can anybody tell me the correct float height for the Keihin PWK carb on an ec300.I know the Suzuki rm250 runs the same carb with a 16mm float height but when I set mine there it became harder to start.regards Warwick
16 to 18 mm is correct. It may dribble fuel at the 16 mm setting, I would reccomend closer to 18 mm.

Not knowing the details of your hard starting, it may be something other than float level unless it is way out of spec.
ec300 carburation

LTRace said:
16 to 18 mm is correct. It may dribble fuel at the 16 mm setting, I would reccomend closer to 18 mm.

Not knowing the details of your hard starting, it may be something other than float level unless it is way out of spec.

Thanks Les.Have set at 18mm with a big improvement.Cheers
LT RACE: at what point on the floats do you measure the 18 mm at? frt or center or rear ( pivot end of the float) ? thks cactusreid
Hello all,

The float level is measured from the carb base to the peak of the float.

When measuring the float height, hold the carb in your hand with the engine side spigot facing straight down. Rock the carb body back and forth making the float swing slowly.

Look at the adjusting tab on the float and watch for it to hit the spring loaded pin on the float needle. At the point the tab hits the pin without depressing the spring loaded pin, this is the actual float position at which the measurement is taken.

Note if you just hold the carb up side down and set the float level it will be wrong, as the weight of the float will depress the spring loaded pin in the float needle.

A quick reference to checking your float level is doing the same procedure as above and just eyeball the parting line (from the molding process that the float was made) on the float and see if it is parallel with the base of the carb.

One other thing, position the clip that holds the needle to the float with the two little ears facing away from the float pivot.

Ron :)
ec300 carburation

RBD said:
Hello all,

The float level is measured from the carb base to the peak of the float.

When measuring the float height, hold the carb in your hand with the engine side spigot facing straight down. Rock the carb body back and forth making the float swing slowly.

Look at the adjusting tab on the float and watch for it to hit the spring loaded pin on the float needle. At the point the tab hits the pin without depressing the spring loaded pin, this is the actual float position at which the measurement is taken.

Note if you just hold the carb up side down and set the float level it will be wrong, as the weight of the float will depress the spring loaded pin in the float needle.

A quick reference to checking your float level is doing the same procedure as above and just eyeball the parting line (from the molding process that the float was made) on the float and see if it is parallel with the base of the carb.

One other thing, position the clip that holds the needle to the float with the two little ears facing away from the float pivot.

Ron :)
Thanks Ron
When setting the height at 18mm from the carb base to the top of the float with the tab just touching the needdle pin as you describe the parting line on my float is far from parallel with the body.Your thoughts?regards Warwick
Hi Warwick Simpson,

You are very right about the parting line not being parallel at a 18mm float height. It will however be parallel at 16mm. 16mm is the actual float height that most PWK carbs are set up at.

Also they usually have a plus or minus 1mm tolerance at the 16mm height, how ever I would not recommend raising the float height to 15mm as this is probably going to make the carb pee gas out the float bowl vent.

I would also not recommend a 18mm float height either, as this could possibly cause a lean condition. 16mm to 17mm is what I would recommend (JMO). And again if the float is set at 16mm the parting line will be parallel with the base of the carb base (a good quick reference guide to your float level).

Thank you,
Ron ;)
Before you set the level, check the float assembly for paralell floats. The assembly is very weak and the metal bridge is eaisly twisted if not handled carefully. Both my '00 and '03 had twisted floats from the factory.