EC300 chassis steering lock - replacement key?


New member
Hey there.

Ive just joined the Gasgas community having just sold my cr500e I figured I needed another 2 stroke and fell in love with an EC300.

Its a bit of a hodgepodge being a 2005 frame but with lots of 2011 bits on it. I like it though!

However, there is was no key supplied for the steering lock on the frame. Now I just know I am going to catch it at some point and be left stranded. Its one of those silly round keys (the name eludes me). Is there anyway I can get a replacement key cut as it would be handy to have the lock.

Alternatively, if anyone knows how to remove it (without engaging it! haha) I would be grateful of a PM (so as to avoid putting it on an open forum).

Im sorting lots of other issues on it, namely the brakes have been abused, usual expendables needed doing and the wiring has been hacked about to interface 2011 stuff with the 2005 wiring loom. So I need to get the acewell speedo working too. I hate electrics :)

Still, hugely impressed by the little thing. I cant get over how wee it is. I think its actually a bit physically small for me after having been on my CR for the past 8 years I hadn't realised how far things have changed.

Paul - Scotland
The steering lock engages a notched cylinder of steel that slips over the steering stem. Removing the lower triple will give you access to, and allow removal of, the steel part. Good excuse to lube the steering head bearings too.
Welcome to the world of Gas Gas.
Cheers Dave that's great, I need to change out the headstock bearings anyway as they are a bit notchy so will have a look at getting shot of it then.

Much appreciated.

You're better off deleting the lock and sealing the hole off.
Water gets in through the key hole and ruins the lower steering bearing.
Aye that sounds like a good idea. Ill never use it anyway so little point in keeping it.

If someone wants to nick, it they will.
Why would they want to Nick your steering lock?
Must live in a funny neighbourhood.
Still. 1st world problems huh?
Why would they want to Nick your steering lock?
Must live in a funny neighbourhood.
Still. 1st world problems huh?

Of course "most" people would be perfectly capable of determining the true meaning of my previous comment.

Why be part of the 95th percentile of course.