Emulsion tube / Needle jet


New member
I am running an 07 EC300 with a CEK on the bottom clip (or CCK in the middle clip, 42PJ, good idle, great response, just revs lean at 3/4 throttle.)

In an attempt to richen up the 3/4 to full throttle I have used everything from a 170 to 195 main jet.

But there is little change. Could it be that the needle jet is more restrictive than the main jet in it? I am about to take some sandpaper to the needle to see what it does.
Try a DDK or DCK needle. Same diameter with a richer end taper. Or use a leaner C needle in a higher clip position to richen up the end taper. CCL CCM #4. If you want to see when the main jet kicks in, remove the main jet and ride the bike. The motor will cut out from being overly rich at the point the needle stops restricting the needle jet. That point is almost full throttle. Dave
I have run a DEK, DDK and even EEK to see if it helps but as I go to a steeper taper it gets too rich at 1/2 throttle.

The CDK is not bad but just doesn't seem as aggressive when you want it.
I had a similar problem with CCK, engine starts to knock after a run at 3/4 throttle.
I assume due to running weak and too hot. I tried clip at bottom groove and it didn't help.

Did you find a solution with the optimum needle to give good fueling at 3/4 throttle.

BTW EC300 '07 appears to have V-force 3 with carbon reeds.
178 main 42P. ~2000 ft 0-10 deg C.
You could customize your CCK or CEK needle by changing the end taper of the needle by removing material at the end of the needle in the 3/4 to full throttle range. Fine sand paper or emery cloth will work.

You would essentially have a needle with 2 tapers similar to last 2 tapers of the stock triple taper needle. You would avoid the overly rich initial taper of the stock needle.
I have been playing with the stock N1EF needle with a #8 slide and have better performance than with the LTR #0 needle. The LTR is lean in the mid rpms while the stock needle at #2 clip position gives stronger mid to top with no richness of the bottom with the #8 slide. TRY IT !!!