Enduro 360 followup on the state of Gas Gas


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Article is here, and is pretty insightful.

I mainly wanted to share these two awesome pictures of some vintage Spanish iron Chilly posted in the article.


Doesn't sounds pretty good to me

The article is just one, uninformed (as we all are at this point), guy's opinion. I feel we will know decisively what is going to happen soon, as it does not behoove anyone to leave the the situation open ended for too long.
With all due respect I have to admit that all this noise around the (supposed) takeover of GasGas is getting slightly annoying - and coverage of rumors by supposedly reputable online media outlets like enduro21.com and enduro360.com does not make things any better. I'd actually expect a better journalism from these publications. Some information instead of rumors, please.

With all due respect I have to admit that all this noise around the (supposed) takeover of GasGas is getting slightly annoying - and coverage of rumors by supposedly reputable online media outlets like enduro21.com and enduro360.com does not make things any better. I'd actually expect a better journalism from these publications. Some information instead of rumors, please.


It's the manufacturer's responsibility to control public relations, not bloggers and journalists. Reputable bike rags speculate constantly about all facets of the industry. Be it new bikes, riders switching teams, or brand buyouts.

This is obviously an op-ed piece where one guy with a supposed history with the brand shares his opinion.
It's the manufacturer's responsibility to control public relations, not bloggers and journalists. Reputable bike rags speculate constantly about all facets of the industry. Be it new bikes, riders switching teams, or brand buyouts.

This is obviously an op-ed piece where one guy with a supposed history with the brand shares his opinion.

Hear, hear! I have been a gas gas owner and a member of this site since 2011. I do not recollect a time when Gas Gas Moto ES has taken responsibility/control of public relations. I feel that it has always been a "Oh look there are bikes available, come buy one" kind of thing. Like a child waiting for their often late or absent dead beat dad to show up for his weekend of custody we all hang out on this site waiting for any sign of life. We sit staring down the street getting excited with every approaching car only to have our hopes dashed by a passing stranger. The passion for the brand quickly becomes apathy and indifference.

I really like my gas gas but I am indifferent to the brand.

At this point every rumor is credible.

Gas Gas probably started the KTM rumor to get the banks excited about the re-finance.
Three things we know to be true:

1) Chilly was affiliated with GasGas back in the day and still holds a soft spot in his heart for them
2) GasGas has replaced their CEO
3) KTM isn't (publically) interested

The rest is speculation, but since most of the northern hemisphere is still under snow and ice it's all we've got to pass the time :D:D:D
4) Chilly actually works for KTMvarna.

Maybe so (not really, but it seems like it at times), but back in the day he was a GasGas guy.

To your point though, if you're an off-road moto-journalist, in the last handful of years, who would you ask for new bikes to review?
Yep. 70% riding them. 90% want to read about them. Readership = advertising $.
As do rumors, drama and sensationalism. Just too bad. I wish we were talking about how cool the 315 is at my 'local' dealer.
4) Chilly actually works for KTMvarna.

Yeah, that's why he gives the current Beta bikes he's been test riding such good reviews. I like GasGas too, but that doesn't make me blind to the world around me. He gives the most relevant long term reviews of the bikes I am interested in.