Enduro Versus Trials Speedo Cluster.....


New member
When i bought my 2006 EC 250 a few months ago i knew the speedo cluster, rev-counter etc "had a life of its own" and wasnt working properly !

Rather than fit a Trail-Tech etc i wanted to wait unti an original working unit became available.

So now one has, but its advertised as from a Trails machine as opposed to being from an Enduro bike.

Is it likely to still 'fit' (Bar the fact i may need to make a new bracket) ? Will it not be a simple plug-n-play swap over ? Is the wiring completely different or am i just overthinking this one......


Thoughts appreciated :)
So no-one knows. Or perhaps no-one cares.....

Or maybe I've just alerted the GasGas World to a possible cheap Brand New speedo and your all going to keep quiet, but then out-bid me :D
I imagine no one knows. I am trying to learn and share as much as I can about the electrical system on these bikes but have zero experience with the OEM speedo's. Mine didn't have one on it when I bought it. I went with a TrailTech model for my bike.

Good luck and let us know how it works.
Yea i will buddy.

Im deffo going to win it and give it a go i think !

I'll be sure to let the GG World how it ends.......
That is an Acewell model. GasGas used them for like one year then switched tot he TrailTechs.
Well - GREAT news.....im soooo chuffed !

The BRAND NEW and UNUSED trials unit i 'stole' from ebay for a measy GBP21 ($35) had a slightly different code / part number on the back - but the wiring was all the same and it fired straight up and all seems to work perfectly.

Rev-counter good, speedo registers and works when i spin the wheel round and ive figured out how to enter in the time, wheel circumference etc etc

My only "issue" is the speedo-head doesnt seem to hold the data (Well certainly not the time), when i turned off the bike and then fired it back up again.

Is there a re-chargeable battery in there somewhere that will charge-up once i go for a ride, or is there a battery in there i need to replace or............??
Mine is the older style & has a 9v battery inside.

2004 EC 200

There is a couple of screws on the sides / wings behind where the indicator lights are - i'll have a look and investigate on the old speedo after dinner !

I did just fire the bike up again though, and its JUST the time that isnt stored. Wheel circumference, rev-counter settings, MPH etc are all 'remembered'.......

There must be a battery somewhere. You may be able to get a manual on the Acewell site too.

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There must be a battery somewhere. You may be able to get a manual on the Acewell site too.

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I'll look porperly when ive had my Steak :-)

Acewell model 83XX series looks closest on their website........ Cant see any mention of a battery yet mind.

Still - ive got an avenue to investigate !
Mine takes an external 9v battery. I got the battery holder and connector fron Radio Shack.

Let me know if you can't find the manual. I think I have a PDF version.
You can store read only data with flash memory (example: NAND or NOR logic gate) but to have an active function like a clock, you have to have a power supply of some type.
You can store read only data with flash memory (example: NAND or NOR logic gate) but to have an active function like a clock, you have to have a power supply of some type.

.....which is why i thought the unit might / must feature a battery of some sort :)

But it seems only GasGas could fit a set of clocks on which some of the features never worked right from the factory ;) :rolleyes:
Are all Gas Gas Speedo rubbish?? I've a 2003 EC300 and the clocks never worked in the time I had it. Lately I've decided that I want to use it on the road and have fixed all the lights and was wondering about the speedo.

Can they be fixed, or should I just go for an after market set, something like in the link below. Are there any of the after market sets better than others.

What do you guys recommend...

I finally go around to buying a speedo for the bike and ended up with a Trail Tech Vapor, however the instructions talks about connecting it to a 12 volt supply but as my bike (2003 EC300) doesn't have a battery where should I connect it to??

Plus, I bought the device of ebay and it didn't have have any of the cables with it, so any advice on where to get the cable I need?? As far as I know I need one for the temp, one for the rev counter and obviously one for the speed and a magnet for the brake disc...