FAQ Input : Pinging when backing off the throttle.


Gold Level Site Supporter
The following is an example on what I was looking for to get a little help populating an FAQ page...

Question : I am hearing what sounds like engine pinging or predetonation as I back off the throttle or on steep downhills, etc. Seems kind of odd, should I worry about engine damage?

Answer : This is usually attributed to chain slap and is nothing to worry about. GasGas uses a hard plastic compound on their chain slider on the swingarm. When there is slack in the chain - e.g. coming off the throttle, etc. - the chain can slap against the hard plastic on the swingarm slider and sound similar to engine pre-detonation. Running an aftermarket chain guide helps with this a great deal - as the stock chain guide allows the chain to move to a greater degree (versus aftermarket guides).

Honda uses a rubber that tends to cushion the chain more for their chain sliders - I wish we could find one of these that fits on the gasgas (for the swingarm slider). The LTR chain guide uses this rubber (a honda XR guide is used) and it helps quiet things down quite a bit.

Does anyone have anything to add? Should I change anything in the above Q&A?

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