First ride on my new EC300 went great but I have some questions.


New member
So I bought a 2012 EC300 last week and today was the first time I was able to really ride it aside from prepurchase riding in a parking lot. I am new to GasGas so maybe you guys can help me parse out if to answers to any of the following questions are GasGas-specific. So yesterday I did 12 miles at a local woods track taking it pretty easy and I have a few questions.

1. Do EC300s vibrate a lot in mid to high rpms? Is this common on all big bore bikes and I'm just not accustomed to it yet?

2. Are there any negative side effects to stopping and idling in gear with a rekluse? Sometimes I found it hard to find neutral out on the track when I was taking a break.

3. Is first gear nearly pointless on this bike? I found myself having to shift from first to second gear almost immediately after takeoff because the rpms got so high so fast and the bike seemed to not go nearly as fast as I thought it would in first alone. But the range of power in second gear was absurd. I could go so fast in second gear I found third gear almost useless when I was in the trails. Idk maybe I'm just still a noob but it seemed like second gear has a huge long "powerband" of its own.

4. Is the turning radius kinda large? I found myself not being able to turn as tightly as I have been able to on different bikes. If it is bigger, how do you compensate for this while riding?

5. Is there a detailed guide somewhere about how to hook up the onboard computer? Previous owner disconnected it and said he never used it so I'm not even sure if mine works.

All that being said, I had a blast today and I think I'm a convinced gasser now! Thanks!


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First off, welcome to the fold and congrats on the bike! Looks like she's had some good stuff added to her, HOH pipe, powervalve cover, and other good bits :D

Tried to answer some of the questions you posed below:

1. Do EC300s vibrate a lot in mid to high rpms? Is this common on all big bore bikes and I'm just not accustomed to it yet?

Where are you feeling the vibes - through the handlebars or through the pegs (or maybe in the frame)? First thing to check are the springs that attach the pipe to the cylinder. Pull the pipe and check the o-rings too, probably need to be replaced. This will likely help cut down on some of the vibes.

You'll also want to check the powervalve actuator - there's a thread in the engine forum on it (search for powervalve).

Have you ridden 2Ts before? They're typically a bit more vibey than their 4T counterparts. One thing I did to help reduce vibes is picked up a set of the Fasst Flex bars. They're pricey, but they really help me (not just vibes, but forearm/elbow/shoulder fatigue).

2. Are there any negative side effects to stopping and idling in gear with a rekluse? Sometimes I found it hard to find neutral out on the track when I was taking a break.

I don't think so, but haven't run a Rekluse before. My guess is they're engineered to do this, so it's likely not an issue. Hopefully, one of the folks with experience will chime in.

3. Is first gear nearly pointless on this bike? I found myself having to shift from first to second gear almost immediately after takeoff because the rpms got so high so fast and the bike seemed to not go nearly as fast as I thought it would in first alone. But the range of power in second gear was absurd. I could go so fast in second gear I found third gear almost useless when I was in the trails. Idk maybe I'm just still a noob but it seemed like second gear has a huge long "powerband" of its own.

What's your gearing? You can change gearing if you want a 'taller' 1st gear. For instance, if you're running 13/48 and 1st runs out too soon, drop 2 teeth in the rear and check it out.

4. Is the turning radius kinda large? I found myself not being able to turn as tightly as I have been able to on different bikes. If it is bigger, how do you compensate for this while riding?

Yep, it has a big turning radius (at least comparatively). You can slide the rear to 'point and shoot' to get through corners faster. Or, just learn to ride around it (won't be an issue as you become used to the bike).

5. Is there a detailed guide somewhere about how to hook up the onboard computer? Previous owner disconnected it and said he never used it so I'm not even sure if mine works.

Check the electrical sub-forum for info, or check the tech articles on the main gas gas page. Sorry, don't know much about it (mine didn't have one).
Thanks for the tips!

I'll be sure to check out some of the subforums for more detailed information. As far as the gearing, I'll have to check when I get home. I'm not sure what it is to be honest. This bike is the first big-bore 2T that I've owned. I had a KTM 125sx about 10 years ago and since then I've only been on 250Fs. They were never set up well for what I wanted to do so I splurged on this bike.

Apparently this bike in particular has a bit of history to it. The original owner was Richard Wilson from HoH (I understand he's somewhat of a household name around here?). I have the original numberplate with his name on it -- see picture. He apparently did a handful of modifications to the bike so it's highly likely that I'm completely spoiled riding this bike and I don't even recognize the benefits of what he did having never ridden a stock EC300 or any big bore 2T for that matter.


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I had a 2011 EC250 with a Rekluse. I never had any problems letting the bike idle in gear. The clutch is designed to disengage at low rpm.
You'll find most of us gear our bikes to make 2nd useful, and save 1st for goat trail/walking pace/trials like situations. Through singles I typically only ever run in 2nd and 3rd gears which offers a decent spread over power, and that's on a 250cc with less bottom end.

The 300 will easily pull taller gearing, but you may find 1st a touch tall when you really need it (depends on what/where you ride) or more noticeably, that you can have the bike dip off song a little if shifting early from 2nd - 3rd or 3rd - 4th.

Vibes are very noticeable on the 300, especially compared to a 250F. Many threads on what to check to make sure they're not 'excessive'.
Tons of vibration, welcome to a 300 2 stroke. I don't notice it on the trail, but I do notice it on the street or down the casual dirt road.

Rekluse can idle in any gear. I have started from a dead stop in 6th gear (by error) and it works incredible. Best mod on earth.

1st gear is useless even for riding around the pit. The only time I can see using it would be in absolute crawling conditions over rocks or roots and even then I use 2nd with my recluse.

Yes bigger turning radius than other bikes, but you get use to it and learn to lean to compensate. I get through tight NE trees without any issue.

When you say onboard computer I assume you mean the trail tech speedo? If so yes there are connections right behind the number plate sitting there waiting for you to connect.