First ride on the 300 A boy on a mans bike

Ed Ventura

Gold Level Site Supporter
Lets hope this is not a sighn of things to come.

I am in the basement puttting chairs together for the holiday gatherings, Looking at the new 300 I get the brainstorm to ride it around the yard a bit. Just warm it up, burn up the gas in the carb that has been sitting a week. I have rode the bike a total off 100 yards until today. I push it out side, Three solid kicks and it is running. No gear on, I ride it down the street 2 house lengths to the very large culdasac. Short shift through 4 gears or so. Grab a little brake to turn around and head back and gear up.

:eek: Next thing I know I am on the ground, ,bloody road rash to hands and knees, bent up ankle, really w.t.f. I manage to lockup the brakes and not let off for 10 feet untill I was on the ground. Has it really come to this, I am that burnt that when the front wheel starts to slide I cant even let off the brake??? Again WTF,

The neighbor looking out the window that is 100 yards away, I sure was saying look at that idiot, 47 years old and he crashed in the street like a 5 year old just off training wheels. He will have a good laugh with me when we talk next

40 foot wide turn around at 10 miles per hour was bad, cant wait to see 40 miles per hour 10 inches from trees.

Happy Holidays
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Ed... at our age... we consider that brain fade..

We had the chance here to do a shane watts class.. great learning class.. one of the drills he has you do is to slide the front tire locked up for as far as you can(on dirt of course)...
I have left about a 6' black mark on my driveway with the front tire locked up... it is way cool...

thanks for sharing...

Looking at the new 300 I get the brainstorm to ride it around the yard a bit. Just warm it up, burn up the gas in the carb that has been sitting a week.

You might have been OK if you stayed in the yard. At least your reputation would still be intact. It must been the lean surge as it ran out of gas that made you grab the brakes for dear life.
Ed you didn't hurt the bike did you? jk I came so close to doing the same thing the first time I rode my sons new at the time Husky TC250. Sorry to read about the bike nap; heal up quick.
Read the story out loud and my wife scowled at me - because I was rolling on the floor laughing! :eek:

Wouldn't have been funny if you'd hurt yourself seriously, but a perfect telling of the story ;)

Have a great Christmas, and enjoy your next ride.
Oil the brake pads... I swear my front brake needs some too. Either that, or lay off the rum/eggnog before the ride.

I'm glad you or the bike isn't damaged badly.
Read the story out loud and my wife scowled at me - because I was rolling on the floor laughing! :eek:

Wouldn't have been funny if you'd hurt yourself seriously, but a perfect telling of the story ;)

Have a great Christmas, and enjoy your next ride.

Sounds like I might have goton more sympathy from your wife than mine,

My wifes coment: Are you OK, Why would you crash in the street , did you brake this new one allready. Why are you playing on it anyway , did you finish the chairs, have you cleaned your office. That office better be cleaned they are coming tomorrow.

After years of coming home broken with a bent bike at times, and her witnessing some terrific getoffs of over the years she is pretty imune to the minor stuff.

Is it bad that i was wondering how the bike was when i was reading that, glad to hear you're ok, thats always when the worst/crazy things happen/I'll just take a quick spin w/no gear, i got my butt handed to me by a pw50 comeing down a hill and the tire tucked into a rut and threw me over the bars, that sucked bad
I have a friend who raced motocross in the vet class. He would jump anything, like #%^$ scary stuff. He rode his new bike out for a practice lap and was just idling along and fell over in small berm. One of his new boots hooked on the side panel of his new bike as he fell over. Instant broken leg....... Perfect example WTF and Murphy's law.

Be happy that you didn't break anything, get well!
I have a friend who raced motocross in the vet class. He would jump anything, like #%^$ scary stuff. He rode his new bike out for a practice lap and was just idling along and fell over in small berm. One of his new boots hooked on the side panel of his new bike as he fell over. Instant broken leg....... Perfect example WTF and Murphy's law.

Be happy that you didn't break anything, get well!

I made a commitment to myself to never swing a leg over with out riding boots or a helmet(Very rare that I break that rule) Yesterday was a good reminder

7 years ago I bring the bike around from the barn to load up for a Hare Scramble the next day. I have 2 ways to get to the truck, putt around the yard or launch off the 5 foot high stone wall. I choose the wall, The bike kicks a little to the side. While in the air my feet come off the pegs alittle, not sure how but when I land my left foot miss the peg and my heal takes all my body weight. Instantlly I new it was major. I rode up to a tree and leaned into it and bellowed for my wife. Crushed the heel. More breaks than he could count. 3 surgerys 6 months out of work.

Allways gear up,

So it's the day before Christmas and I'm selling this TT-R 90 I took in on trade. We're out in the driveway - I'm in a pullover and tennis shoes. The liitle bike fires right up but won't run off choke just yet, so it's idling high.

The dad isn't really a rider, so I click it into gear to show him how easy it will to ride for his kid. Part way down the street to the right the asphalt is still snow covered from being in the shade. To the left into the cul-de-sac the cars have packed the snow into a high sheen.

Can't help but think of Ed, so I do about a 20ft circle then back into the driveway. Discretion is supposedly the better part of valor.

Have a Merry Christmas guys, and be safe!
So it's the day before Christmas and I'm selling this TT-R 90 I took in on trade. We're out in the driveway - I'm in a pullover and tennis shoes. The liitle bike fires right up but won't run off choke just yet, so it's idling high.

The dad isn't really a rider, so I click it into gear to show him how easy it will to ride for his kid. Part way down the street to the right the asphalt is still snow covered from being in the shade. To the left into the cul-de-sac the cars have packed the snow into a high sheen.

Can't help but think of Ed, so I do about a 20ft circle then back into the driveway. Discretion is supposedly the better part of valor.

Have a Merry Christmas guys, and be safe!

Too funny!

I have to tell you. Today I took the kids out to ride there dirt bikes and I take mine along to jet it for the winter. Well, I to remember Ed and put on my boots, helmet and gloves. Well my wife meets us after she gets off work. I get a wild hair up my bum to try and impress my young beautiful wife and relive my youth by getting the bike on it's back wheel. I panic at the last second after about a 30 ft. wheelie and flip the bike over and eat a dirt sandwich. To bad I didnt put on the elbow and knee pads and my padded shorts. I think my ego was bruised more then me, but oh well!

Be safe everyone and have a Happy Holiday! :D
Ed... at our age... we consider that brain fade..

We had the chance here to do a shane watts class.. great learning class.. one of the drills he has you do is to slide the front tire locked up for as far as you can(on dirt of course)...
I have left about a 6' black mark on my driveway with the front tire locked up... it is way cool...

thanks for sharing...


I have done two Watts classes, both completely different. first was up north of Dallas in the rain and the mud and the cow piles. Dang it was slippery and i kept smelling cow dung for a week, had fun though. drifting in the mud was a hoot. Was trashed the 2nd day, finding out that I don't rebound as well with diabetes, but still it was a riot and i was sore for days.

The 2nd one was not far from Houston, and it was fun too, would have been more so if I had not tried the class with the torn rotator cuff. Picked up a bunch of different stuff there this time with it dry. We did a lot more trail work and the grinding stuff, never got the hang of grinding a telephone pole :(

Overall, it really made me realize just how much i suck.