Forum Resource Manager for manuals, etc.


Staff member
I am populating the forum "resources". Click on "Resources" in the menu banner to see these..

This is a place we can put owners manuals, repair manuals, app notes, etc.

I will upload the manuals I have - if you can find any others, it would be a good time find them and store them here so that they are easy to find.

I have started uploading some of the app notes that are on the main gasgasrider website. That will "go away" in the near future - and this will be the only "portal" for discussion and storing our reference materials, photos & videos, etc.

Look in the upper right portion of the window to see "download" to fetch these documents...

We should also migrate anything that is a "sticky" over to the resource area - that way you won't have 10 stickies at the top of the forum - this makes it hard to see what the recent posts are... I hate stickies!!! :)

I made a modification to the resource config so that a new message is posted to the general forum whenever a person adds a new resource (app note, manual, etc.). This will let us know when new app note or manual is uploaded to the resource area.

FYI - I have now uploaded all the manuals that I had and was able to scrounge off the internet. These include suspension, owners manuals, workshop manuals & parts lists.

Once you click on a given "resource" (manual, etc.) -> you will see a button in the upper right to download the file.

If anyone comes across any other manuals, etc, they can upload them into the "resource area" to share with everyone here.

If you have any issues - please let me know and we'll get her fixed up...
