Frame wanted


New member
Hello everyone, this is my first post. I've been lurking around here for a few months now and found lots of great info. I purchased a 2005/6 ec300 earlier this year. Although I have never been without a bike since I was 12, this is
the first dirt bike I've owned or ridden in 35 years. The bike had been treated badly by the previous owner and it took a few months to get to the stage where I could get it registered. Done about 20 hours on it now.

Anyway to the point of the post. Last couple of rides I've felt there something not right with the handling so I put a string line on the wheels. Way out, and to get the alignment even close the measurement from swing arm pivot to rear axle was 5mm shorter on the right side. So I put a plum line on the wheels and found they are way out of plum.Looking further I found the frame broken on the right hand side a few inches above the swing arm pivot. I know it wasn?t broken when I replaced the swingarm bearings but it could have been cracked on the inside and I've not seen it. Also the top of the frame near the steering head on the left side looks like it?s taken a hit from the fork leg at some stage. From the rear it looks like the top part of the frame is pushed over to the right, the shock seems to lean to the right, you can see from the photo the frame is out of alignment at the break.

A friend is an expert welder so while I don?t think it will be a problem to repair the break, I have my doubts we will be able to get it true. So does anyone have a good frame they would be willing to part with?

Cheers Tony.


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