Gas Gas Testing at Home

I like your yard!:) Nice to be able to go for a spin and test stuff from your garage. Can you access a lot of trail from your house?

Video looks good. These types of videos look OK on YouTube because the high motion content is relatively small. Helmet cam video is probably the most difficult type of video to retain quality becaue of the large high motion content, and the detail in that content (woods rushing past). High motion, high quality demands higher constant bitrate.
I would like a few logs like that in my back yard. Have a few obsticles to hit etc but can't show the biek any real throttle. No good ripping up the grass :)

Nice video!
I live on a lake with a hill for a back yard, set of wooden steps down to water. No playing there:eek:. I'm in the woods via gnarly hill climb in a few blocks out the front though.
Thanks for the feedback!

I bought 80 acres of woods when the price of land was cheaper, and then talked my wife into moving to the boonies. She insisted on a log home, since we're literally in the woods and I didn't put up much of a fight. I've made about 9 miles of trails around the house including a 3/4 mile grass track.