GasGas the name?

Meaning of the name

The name Gas Gas literally means "to gas it" (to accelerate, give it the gas, turn the throttle - to go faster.) The Gas Gas founders have, at times, expressed misgivings about the chosen name inasmuch as that name causes confusion outside Spain. Others have joked that Gas Gas are so good that they had to name them twice. The slogan "Gas Gas = Fast Fast" was used by the US importer, Gas Gas North America, from 1999-2002 to try and help people understand the unique name.

From the gasgas wikipedia page
Wikipedia is wrong!!

Back in 1973 , Josep Maria Pibernat (co-founder and co-owner of GasGas) went to USA to ride the Six Days with 3 other friends. When they returned to Spain the opened a motorcycle shop called "Gas Gas", the name is after a USA shop called "accelerate accelerate" they saw during the Six days.

The became a very big "Bultaco" distributor, when "Bultaco" among other Spanish motorcycles manufacturers like Montesa and Ossa closed down in beginning of the 80s, the GasGAs shop had a very large customer base, but no product, this is why they started manufacturing trials bikes back in 1983.

I know Mr. Pibernat ;), you can find a nice interview about the origins of GasGas in this interview (in SPANISH):

have fun,
