Has anyone on here used a seal mate?

They work, about as good as a cut up tear off or camera film (if youve got some somewhere) cut it to the shape of seal mates on the net.

These are better


The local suspension guru recommends soft foam kitchen washers (wettex brand herein oz) cut to fit between dust seal and seal, soaked in fork oil and changed every few rides if you are doing seals.

Hope that helps.
For years I've been using a section of nylon cord (weed whacker starter cord) packed with seal grease under the wiper. Works great in extending seal life. Clean and regrease every few rides or after a particularly muddy ride. I can easily go a full season on a set of Zoke seals.
I read the directions and did just as they said, It worked and they haven't leaked since. Although I did ruin it after one use. I think the new one out from Risk Racing should work and last.
Cheers guys, I copied the design, using a thin sheet of plastic, broke 2 bending the end before getting under the seal, but on the third attempt I made it work, followed the instructions and within 10 mins I have dry seal forks and still have ?150 in my wallet.

Thanks for the advice, it did save me a small fortune.
Before "sealmate" we just used a small something, myself a pocket screwdriver, and a can of brakleen and sprayed out the gunk. Fixed a leaking shift shaft seal on my bike last week doing so. Since I went to seatsaver socks I have yet to replace a seal. Some quick maint after a ride which entails folding the sock back on itself until I reach "clean" I leave it there and wash my bike thus cleaning the inside of the sock. I personally then like to give it a light shot of wd40 and fold the sock back down in place. I have no idea if the wd40 helps in any regard but it makes me feel better in case there is any moisture left in the sock when I flip it back up.
Now there's something, the shifter seal (gear lever, sorry I'm English) does weep on my bike and my friends 300 exc. as far as I can remember all 2t smokers leak a little. I've just moved back from a 4t and it does annoy me that it leaks. At the moment I just top up the gear oil as and when.

What do you use to clean the shifter seal? This realy interests me.
I used a small pocket screwdriver, flat bladed, lifted the outer seal roll and sprayed brakleen through the nice little tube they come with right in the slot, working the blade around the circumference of the seal cleaning out the "goop". If this happens again i was thinking of using some closed cell foam and making a donut to fill the gap between the shifter lever and the seal, perhaps this will prevent it being nailed so violently with all the "goop" of riding and the chain slinging and such. I beleive it stems from chain lube slinging on the shift shaft, attracting dirt and such, then normal shifting coupled with the in/out play of the shifter shaft allowing muck to get up into the seal and causing the minor leak.
I see where your coming from with the chain lube, I use white lithium grease and end up with a fair amount around the lever and seal. I wouldn't have used break cleaner around a seal, I thought the rapid evaporation caused the seal to become brittle. Or a screw driver around a seal casing. But, I'm in accustomed to both 2t's and dirt riding, I'll have a gentle look tomorrow, I need to lift the lever a notch, as my fat boot makes it a nightmare up shifting while stood up.
I've used several things for this, but I recently saw a thin plastic tool that appeared a bit easier to use. It had an "L" shaped handle and it tapered at the leading edge. Problem is I can't remember where I saw it or the name of the company. Anyone know what I'm talking about since I don't?