head differences 03-05 450?


New member
First off can I put a 05 head on a 03? I see that there is a hole of some sort on the left side by the exhaust cam but dont see anything else right offhand. What is this hole for? Will this work or be a big pain to do? Benefits if any?
I think there are an extra 2 head bolts on the 2005. I think there were head gasket issues on the earlier models. Check the parts books from the Gas Gas web site to be sure.
ahhh I see that now. I could use a 05 lower cylinder tho, that doesnt look like the base gasket is different. Yes I had a head gasket problem now a bent valve problem so thouht it might be easier to get another head.

but what is the spot on the head by the exhaust cam?


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If you mean on the left hand side on the head, mine is blanked off. I think the designers had a tacho drive in mind. I don't know of a model that has a mechanical tacho though.