Headaches after I ride

The one I like is called Recoverite,I's a powder.

In the UK.not too sure what is available,but try to get one with glutamine in it.you have a very short window after your effort to.... a)get it in your stomack and.... b)metabolize it into energy while you window is open.this drink is designed to be easily metabolized in a short amount of time.In Canada 40 dollars will get you about 30 drinks.

Be carefull at the suppliment store,they're very good at spending your money for you,so as a person on a budget I only use the Recoverite drink and also bought some raw glutamine to put in it.This program runs about 3 or 4 bucks a drink.Best effect is you mix a drink before the ride and top up the glutamine count to 10 grams,drink when you get back to your truck,right away.On a big day I'll have another an hour later,if I can't get a real meal in me right away.

The drink has the electrolytes and the glutamine replaces your used up energy stores that you just depleted.Keep in mind you should still have a camel back and be drinking all the time.

Also something to remember........after losing 2% of your water through sweating your body will only operate at about 70% of it's max......This impairs your bodies ability to function properly,and i'm talking in every way.Muscle function is impaired,your ability to get your heart rate up in technical areas,regulation of your core temp. and most importantly your ability to think and make good judgment calls.2% is hard core sweating for an hour........not long at all.

good luck with it :) :) :)
My son and I race and have both suffered from headaches. Buying new helmets solved both our problems, whether it was the weight difference/pressure on neck or just the padding inside, I'm not sure.

Granted we both went from "Joe Soap" helmets to something decent. Me Airo and son Fox. I strange thing it that for both of us, the Joe Soap helmets were fine for us for many months, mine for a few years. So having said that makes me think that the inside padding must have changed over time, putting different pressure on different parts of the head?

The other thing is that both the new helmets have much better cooling/ventilation. This has stopped our heads from getting hot, this may be the most plausible answer, but does not explain why the Joe Soap helmets were OK for a while. Change in padding adding to more heat?

This is getting rather scientific. :D

Note - Our drinking practice had not changed. We both drink big time, usually USN Cytomax. I go through about a litre very hour.