Helmsley enduro


Gold Level Site Supporter
Did my second timecard event at helmsley on sunday and got a respectable 2nd place in sportsman and e3 , it was a hard event with quite a few throwing the towel in after the first lap , it was a 17 mile lap of* ruts ,bumps,roots and mud with a river bed to ride up , only a handfull of steep acents/decents but the rest of the course was relentless with hardly anywhere to recover from the constant pounding .
The following vids are from the saterday when i marshalled as my camera decided to play funny buggers on the sunday



Way to go, Diggs! That first video....hard to believe it could get any sloppier.
On the second video, as you were going up the creek at a pretty good clip, I was thinking, I bet those rocks are slick and sure enough, they just about "gotcha", didn't they. Neat to see videos from around the world. Thanks for posting.
Way to go, Diggs! That first video....hard to believe it could get any sloppier.
On the second video, as you were going up the creek at a pretty good clip, I was thinking, I bet those rocks are slick and sure enough, they just about "gotcha", didn't they. Neat to see videos from around the world. Thanks for posting.

Yes i very nearly went down :eek:,i think it was the only time though , momentum not power was the key .
Nice one. I would like to do a time card maybe next year. But really don't know how to start. Any advice?
You can take it as read that my bike skills and fitness need work. And I know what to do for this, but every thing elce I am lost.
Get youyself to an event and see if they will let you marshal , or spectate first , that way you can see whats going on , or maybee do a hare and hounds first as the terain maybee not so hard , allthough they can be 2 to 3 hours long .