Help for a newbie?


New member
I'm new to two strokes and I just picked up a 2005 EC200. The bike seems to start and run pretty good other than an off idle sputter, but is smoking very heavily. I've verified that my mix is 50:1. After doing some research on this forum, I think I'm running way too rich. The bike has a 52 pilot, 175 main, NEHW (a bit of a guess, a little hard to read) needle, and a #5 slide. The main jet looks close to what others here are running, but I see nobody with a 52 pilot or #5 slide. Pilots are cheap, I'll order a 42 and 45 to try, but am I going to get anywhere with this slide? Should I bite the bullet and buy a #7? I have no history of this bike, but have reason to believe it hasn't been ridden in a year or more. I ride Michigan single track, and want to optimize the low end. Thanks for any advice.