Help oil mixture etc


New member
Hi there
I'm a new owner of a gasgas 2007 ec 250
First two stroke bike I've owned
So I was wondering if someone could give me help with advice on
Oil to use for fuel mixture and I'm also led to believe 20ml per litre of petrol?,
Also changing oil every two rides told to drop oil out then refill with 900ml of castrol 10w 30 4t oil is this all correct?
Also my bike is down as 2007 on logbook but seems to have 2006 model plastic set? Could I put 2007-2009 plastics onto it as my plastics do need a upgrade
Sorry for all the questions hopefully some of you can help
Always been a four stroke rider and now I'm feeling like its to much information to take on board
I run Amsoil in my my petrol mixture at a ratio of 18ml per liter of petrol. I ride mostly slow, technical single track. If I were motocrossing or running open lanes I would use more oil. Pick an oil that meets your needs and mix it at the ratio that oil manufacturer recommends. Flashpoint of the oil is important. Flashpoint is the temperature at which the oil will begin to burn. If you pick an oil with a high flashpoint and ride your bike at low rpm the unburned oil will accumulate in your cylinder and head pipe and the engine will run poorly or foul the plug and die. Unless you run your motor hard all the time stay away from oils with a flashpoint above 150c. If you stay in the low to mid rev range most of the time with only occasional spurts at high revs for short periods then a flash point of less than 105c can give you excellent protection if its a good oil. For a general guide line on ratio to use per liter of petrol I would recommend 30ml for regular oil, 25ml for semi synthetic, and 20ml for full synthetic. That is just general guidelines - it is better to use what it recommends on the can of oil that you pick.
For the transmission 900ml is correct but you shouldn't have to change it that often. Gasgas transmissions and clutches are very durable but the clutches tend to drag a little more in some gassers than they do in others (my 2011 is better than my 2007 but not as good as my 1999 bike was). I don't like changing oil more often than every 5-6 rides so I watch for a noticeable change in clutch drag before changing the oil. MY 2007 gasser would go 5-6 rides before clutch drag became noticeable but only if I ran full synthetic oil. My 2011 is fine with semi-synthetic and my 1999 gasser was fine with regular oil. I use Shell Rotella which is a diesel truck engine oil. Engine oils are fine for transmissions and clutches if they don't have friction modifiers added (most diesel truck oils don't). Full synthetic oils are thinner so they work better and longer with clutches that tend to drag.
2007-2009 plastics are the same. 2010 & 2011 will also fit but requires that you also change out the back half of the air box.
As Gasser said

Quality oil, used at or slightly above manufactures recommendation. I use Amsoil Dominator at around 50:1 (20ml oil per litre, then tend to add a splash more oil just for good measure).

Transmission same applies. Find an oil that works and change it as required. Every 2 rides is way too soon. I can feel the gears engage a little differently when it's time. Could be between 500-1000kms. It's not like some 4Ts where the oil is used for both the gears and engine lubrication and the gg clutch and gear sets are quite durable.