How about a 'riding areas revealed' section for each region.


New member
Maybe the entire Western US is too big, but that forum could have threads for Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and California. Thats only 5 threads, maybe up to 10 if the states are broken down into regions.

I know of a few areas where I ride, but am always searching for new areas. I plan to make some trips over to Western Wa to check out some more mountainous areas, but really have no idea to go (except for Reiter and Walker Valley). Other areas were mentioned for my State, but they were not elaborated on because the Thread was about bike ergos for tall riders.

I have just bought a GPS and plan to mark out some of MY FAVORITE RIDING SPOTS. I will give the GPS coordinates to tha parking areas and anyone should be able to find it on Google maps.
I will start a new thread on Sat or Sunday about Juniper Forest sand dunes, where I like to ride.
Many of us ride in "tollerated" areas. Often when these areas are posted on the 'net they get overrun with disrespectful punks and end up getting shut down.
Be careful what you post.
Only the best...

I would only post areas that would not put my fellow riders at risk of legal problems.

Until a year ago I had never heared of Walker Valley ORV and it is a totaly legal riding area. There are others (I think) along Snoqualmie or Stevens Pass, but they are known by 'word of mouth', and therfore hard to learn about if your new to the area. I have done searches for such areas before and came up empty. There is another ORV park that is about an hour away from me, but I only learned about that a couple days ago. I know these places are out there, but the sharing of info and locations is very limited.

I would like people to post their knowlage of legal riding areas and ORV parks so that more people could enjoy these locations.

Horne Rapids ORV
Juniper Forest Sand dunes (BLM land)
Hover (Honda Heaven)
Mosess Lake (dunes)
Beverly ORV
Walker Valley ORV

Not farmers feilds or vacant lots !!!
Maybe the entire Western US is too big, but that forum could have threads for Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and California. Thats only 5 threads, maybe up to 10 if the states are broken down into regions.

It was setup by regions initially to help with general organization. If a particular region gets too many threads, then perhaps it could be broken into sub-groups. There are only about 8 threads in the Western US group. The two regions that are currently winning by thread count are Northeast US and Australia. Even with these, there are not too many threads yet in my opinion.

Here's a suggestion which may be worth considering... you could create separate threads like you suggest (one for each state) under the Western US group. Then, folks can post replies for any rides within that particular state's thread. Basically, the thread would be an index for a particular state.
Great Idea

Great minds think alike, I see.

That is what I had in mind yesterday when I said that I would post coordinates for my favorite riding areas from around The Tri-Cities WA. I will post them as you said in the WA state forum as a thread for the South Eastern part of WA. :D

Many of us ride in "tollerated" areas. Often when these areas are posted on the 'net they get overrun with disrespectful punks and end up getting shut down.
Be careful what you post.
i totally agree here. i live in montana, and some jerkoff from new jersey is trying to get the feds to shut down ALL OFFROADING PERIOD. the way he sees it, the only way to keep the wlderness wild is to limit all access to foot traffic only, not even horses.
i ride at the same spot i used to mud bog in when i was a kid, i moved away for four years, and when i came back, over 80% of it was fenced off. even now, a "securitas" vehicle comes and checks up on us every time were out there.